Financial education with a gender lens: Validation workshop in Argentina

The training on financial education tools with a specific gender focus has become one of the ways to promote women economic independence. In a context of vulnerability, the tools help bridge knowledge gaps on topics such as budgeting, income and expenses, access to savings products, credits and insurance.

In the framework of FINANDES collaboration with Spotlight, the ILO organized a validation workshop on June 19 to share and discuss the newly added gender perspective on the Financial Education materials by ILO. The materials were adapted in collaboration with FINANDES for the Ministerio de Desarrollo Social de la Nación.

The following organizations participated in the workshop: Proyecto Iniciativa Spotlight; Secretaria de Pueblos Indígenas de Jujuy; Dirección de Protección e Igualdad Laboral del Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Social; Fundación UOCRA; Subsecretaría de Igualdad y Oportunidades de Salta; FONCAP; among others.