NWTF - Philippines

Project documentation | 30 December 2015

MFI Information:

Negros Women for Tomorrow Foundation (NWTF)
Mission: NWTF’s mission is to provide sustainable financial and client-responsive developmental services to the poor

Decent Work Area:

Vulnerability, risk management and overindebtedness


Non-Financial Services: Entrepreneurship training

Entrepreneurship training for clients based on the ILO Generate and Start Your Business materials (GYB-SYB).
The training was delivered by loan officers and aimed at improving the entrepreneurial skills of clients to foster business development.

Increased income could be reinvested in client businesses, used for punctual loan repayment or consumption smoothing.


Strongest positive results:
13% treatment effect in perception of lower barriers to entrepreneurship

Positive impact on asset building:
Business profit increased by PHP 2’000 (approx. USD 50) which was almost double the baseline
profit, ownership of motorized vehicles increased by 3.5%

Positive impact on overindebtedness:
Incidents of late repayment decreased by 4%, taking out a loan to repay another loan decreased by 10%

Positive impact on risk management
5% increase in use of microinsurance to cover unforeseen expenses

Inconclusive results for:
  • Debt- and precaution-related financial attitudes,
  • Financial behaviour/risk management.

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