Demand for business-related programmes on radio and TV among micro and small entrepreneurs in Lao PDR

Broadcast media are widely accepted as effective tools in disseminating information and knowledge, providing entertainment and bringing news to mass audiences. In addition, some radio and television programmes are also directly relevant to micro and small enterprises. These programmes can provide useful information to help in running businesses, and can raise awareness among many people about the potential of running their own business.
The ILO is considering support for the development of radio or television programmes aimed at small business in Lao P.D.R. The purpose of this study is to find out the real situation, which will demonstrate to broadcasters and potential sponsors in the private sector that substantial demand exists for such programmes. This research also fleshes out how such programmes should look, in order to maximize viewer- ship/ listener-ship.
The paper outlines the methodology, target group, problems faced during the survey, entrepreneur’s profile, and enterprise’s profile. It also identifies the perspectives of MSEs (Micro and Small Enterprises) about the radio and television programmes aimed in small business, forming conclusions and making recommendations for future action.