Sample scripts translated into English from the TV Programme "My Point of View"

Produced by K-World ltd. and broadcast by Apsara TV in Cambodia with technical assistance from the ILO and MPDF late

Following their market assessment, the ILO launched a television programme in Cambodia, aimed at micro and small-scale enterprises. TV ownership in Cambodia is surprisingly high, and access to TV is even higher, so potential outreach was very good. In practice, however, the partner station did not have national coverage with its transmitters. Furthermore, the producers of the programme were nervous about triggering adverse responses from the authorities, when covering issues and topics which might be considered controversial.
The result was that the programme tended to be relatively bland, focusing primarily on profiles and case studies of successful small enterprises around the country. Furthermore, small enterprises featuring on the programme often received visits from the tax inspectors immediately following their appearance. The ILO has therefore moved to experiment with other formats, which may achieve better national coverage while exciting less interest from the authorities.
At the time of writing, this takes the form of VCD multi-media materials, primarily in an entertainment format, which will be distributed through the channels currently used for karaoke videos and films. These distribution channels are surprisingly sophisticated and cover almost the entire country.
The choice of intervention was based partly on the availability and interest of suitable individuals; because of historical events, there has been a significant shortage of mid-career professionals in Cambodia.