Systems Change Initiative for productive employment

The Systems Change Initiative (SCI) is one of four cross-cutting pillars in the Sida-ILO Partnership (2022–25). The SCI builds on and applies a market systems development (MSD) approach to create decent work and productive employment opportunities for the working poor. The SCI follows in the footsteps of the Lab initiative, funded by SECO, which closed in 2020, and which aimed to generate and apply knowledge on how MSD can lead to sustainable decent work. 

What is a systems approach?
  1. Value Chain Development (VCD) explained

The SCI's Areas of Work

Whether you are new to the market systems approach or just new to how the approach can be applied to decent work, we have generated an extensive portfolio of practitioner-focused content, which can help you navigate common on-the-ground challenges. Have a look at our different products:
  • Sector Selection & Rapid market assessments: Which value chain / sector has the highest potential? Take a look at our reports documenting the concrete application of the ILO’s sector selection methodology in a wide range of contexts.
  • Market Systems Analyses: What are the root causes of underperformance in the sector? Take a look at our reports documenting the use of market systems analysis methodology to identify underlying market constraints and opportunities to promote systemic change in selected sectors.
  • Briefs and Guides: What have we learned about applying the systems approach? Take a look at our guidance, thematic briefs and case studies that can help you grapple with how to apply the systems approach and its potential to advance Decent Work.

Where we work


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