Employment Analysis and Research (EMP/ANALYSIS) resources

  1. Labour market regulation and economic performance : a critical review of arguments and some plausible lessons for India

    01 January 2008

    Economic and Labour Market Paper 2008/1

  2. Security in labour markets : combining flexibility with security for decent work

    01 October 2007

    Economic and Labour Market Paper 2007/12

  3. Offshoring and the labour market : what are the issues?

    01 September 2007

    Economic and Labour Market Paper 2007/11

  4. Recent dynamics in Brazil’s labour market

    01 August 2007

    Economic and Labour Market Paper 2007/10

  5. The employer of last resort programme : could it work for developing countries?

    01 August 2007

    Economic and Labour Market Paper 2007/5

  6. The Doing Business indicators : measurement issues and political implications

    01 May 2007

    Economic and Labour Market Paper 2007/6

  7. Why labour market regulation may pay off : worker motivation, co-ordination and productivity growth

    01 April 2007

    Economic and Labour Market Paper 2007/4

  8. In search of optimal labour market institutions

    01 March 2007

    Economic and Labour Market Paper 2007/3

  9. Central banks, inflation targeting and employment creation

    01 February 2007

    Economic and Labour Market Paper 2007/2

  10. Flexicurity: A relevant approach in Central and Eastern Europe

    25 January 2007

    This book argues, with case studies contributed by outstanding national experts, that the flexicurity approach is the most relevant for Central and Eastern European countries and suggests appropriate reforms of economic policy, institutional framework of the labour market, labour market policy and education and social policies in this region.