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Abandonment ID: 00699
Nom du navire:Sedrata
No. OMI (7 chiffres):9557795
Port d'abandon:Antwerp, Belgium
Date d'abandon:22 février 2022
Date de notification:12 octobre 2022
Gouvernement ou entité rapportante:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF)
Nombre de marins:16
Circonstances:P&I : MS Amlin marine N.V.

Vessel berthed in Antwerp 18 Feb 2022 and detained by PSC on 22 Feb 2022. PSC report shows 35 nonconformities. Many safety related, also living conditions.
In respect of employment and remuneration of wages, nonconformities on SEA’s, acceptable Wages Accounts not available, recording of work/rest hours do not conform, expired contracts on arrival vessel, spoiled provisions, …
More than 2 months wages owed. Several seafarers confirmed that wages were not received, even delays in payments of wages from previous contracts on board of CNAN Nord vessels.
Actions entreprises:22 février 2022: L'Etat du Pavillon à été informé
Vessel has been visited multiple times by Belgium authorities. Progress on rectification of MLC employment related issues are frequently monitored. During a visit in September no progress was noted. The applied wages related documents were not MLC compliant. Same with SEA’s. Many of the employment related non-conformities are exactly same as can be found on TIMGAD (PSC detained in Ghent 6 Sep 22). Principals and flag were represented in Belgium without any positive outcome.
Belgium ITF inspectorate visited the vessel upon request of authorities but also individual to verify the well-being of the crew
Situation concernant le rapatriement:12 octobre 2022: En attente de rapatriement
Commentaires et observations:Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (12 octobre 2022)
CNAN Nord has 7 vessels and all are non-active. 2 are detained in Belgium and 5 in Algeria. Algerian newspapers are reporting that the crew on board of the 5 vessels are not paid in 5 months. Neither are the seafarers of that 5vessels on vacation being paid. Crew on board of the SEDRATA and TIMGAD are receiving wages but not in full

Gouv. de Belgique (3 novembre 2022)
Please find the comments from Belgium as a port State related to the abandonment of the SEDRATA in the Port of Antwerp-Bruges (Antwerp):

Several inspections were carried out, the last inspection from DGS dates from 8th September 2022.

The following conclusions were made:
- The ship doesn’t have a valid MLC-certificate;
- There is confusion related to the seafarer employment agreements (several SEA’s on board for same seafarers, …);
- The payslips are not correct;
- Shipowner cannot give proof of payment to seafarers for at least the last two months.

Several documents were sent related to the payment of wages of the seafarers. None of the documents received show proof of full payment of wages of seafarers.

There was a request for re-inspection in June 2022. However conditions for a re-inspection were not fulfilled. Since then, we have not received a new request for re-inspection.

Gouv. de Algérie (3 novembre 2022)
-Payments of wages : All of crew members' wages has been covered and no salary is pending till october 31st, 2022.
-Non-conformities : non-conformities and observations issued by PSC inspectors are taken over and being lifted by the ship, and all safety certificates and authorizations required to return the vessel to seaworthiness have been issued by the Flag State as well as by the Lloyd’s Register Recognized Organization, acting on its behalf.
-PSC Inspection : Repair work is being completed. Once completed, an additional audit by the class of the vessel will be conducted to allow the PSC to conduct a final inspection.

Fed. int. des ouvriers du transport (ITF) (24 octobre 2023)
Vessel remains detained in Antwerp. Crew are rotated frequently, in line with their terms and conditions. Currently it has not yet been possible for Government to verify correct payment of terms and conditions, and to record all non-conformities as rectified. Vessel is frequently on low provisions and the ITF has stepped in to provide fresh provisions when necessary. The seafarers of the other CNAN Nord vessels, not in Belgium, have during the past months contacted seafarer’s missions to inform that they are not paid in many months.

Saisie: vendredi - 18 novembre 2022 a 11:03:59
Dernière mise à jour: mardi - 24 octobre 2023 a 10:24:42
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En collaboration avec l'Organisation Maritime Internationale