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[Concel Pride- resolved]


Abandonment ID: 00029
Ship name:[Concel Pride- resolved]
7-digit IMO no.:7371123
Port of abandonment:Algeciras (Spain)
Abandonment date:17 May 2005
Notification date:17 May 2005
Reporting Member Govt. or Org.:ITF
No. of Seafarers:15
Nationalities:Denmark(1); Nigeria; Türkiye
Circumstances:No food, shortage of fuel, unacceptable living conditions and substandard maintenance according to PSC.
Actions taken:May 2005: Other
ITF negotiating with shipping agent.
Repatriation status:11 August 2005: Repatriated
UPDATE ITF: Nigerian crew repatriated.
Rest of crew due to leave Spain by 13 August 2005.
Payment status:May 2005: Partially paid
First batch of crew collected wages with ITF intervention. ITF now assisting a second batch.

9 August 2005: Paid
UPDATE by ITF: Backpay recovered.
Comments and Observations:ITF (May 2005)
Reported in Europa Sur. Self-appointed agent Ybarrola to supply food and water, however, there is no contact with owners.

ILO/IMO (February 2006)
Joint letter co-signed by ILO Director general and IMO Secretary General to the Flag State administration, urging them to facilitate the resolution of this case.

ITF (28 March 2006)
UPDATE: Total backpay recovered. Repatriation of all crew effected by the ITF however, reports indicate that the Nigerian seafarers were detained on arrival in Nigeria. ITF is endeavouring to clarify the situation.

International Shipping Federation (13 April 2006)
At the present time, the ship is berthed at North Dock in Algecira's port. The ship was detained due to the multiple shortcomings found in several inspections on Port State Control. A shipowner's representative reported that their intention was to repair the ship but they have not done anything as yet. The crew are no longer on board following intervention by the Nigerian Consulate.

ITF (14 July 2006)
UPDATE: No further information available

International Labour Organization (22 December 2006)
Report received from Port Captain Algesiras (Spain), Port State Control Office, stating that the vessel "Presently berthed and detained since 25 April 2005 at the port of Algesiras, due (to) severe deficiencies affecting maritime safety and environment. /.../ a report made by the crewmembers describing present conditions on board the ship, among others, non payment of wages, unhygienic conditions, lack of weather clothing protection, etc. All of them show a systematic rupture with basic compliance of ILO requirements".
Copy was sent to the Nigerian Embassy in Spain by the PSC authorities.

ITF (21 January 2008)
The vessel remains under detention by PSC in Algeciras without crew on board. Seven Indian seafarers have been repatriated. The ITF inspector is still waiting to recover the 30% balance of crew¿s outstanding wages. The fate of the original crew who returned to Nigeria is not known.

ITF (16 December 2016)

Last updated: Monday - 19 December 2016 at 10:24:16^ top

In collaboration with the International Maritime Organization