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Act (1218/2013) amending the Aliens' Act (301/2004).

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Migrant workers
Law, Act

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Laki (1218/2013) ulkomaalaislain muuttamisesta (301/2004).
Introduces a new p.6a and p.6b to section 3 (as amended by Act 619/2006, Act 358/2007, Act 323/2009, Act 631/2011, Act 1338/2011 and Act 668/2013), new sub-headings to section 78 and section 81, a new section 82 and a new section 86a and section 86b concerning definitions, decision on the application made on the basis of employment, the employer's obligations and client's obligations.

Amends section 3 p.6 and p.7, section 70 (the sub-heading), section 72-81, section 81a and 81b, section 82 (the sub-heading), section 83-86, section 186, section 187, section 191 and section 194 concerning definitions, work, worker's residence permit, residence permit for businesses, other residence permit for employed persons, the granting of EU Blue Card, decisions on applications for EU Blue Card. Sections as amended by Act 34/2006, Act 49/2006, Act 380/2006, Act 619/2006, Act 973/2007, Act 323/2009, Act 1426/2009, Act 549/2010, Act 886/2011, Act 1338/2011, Act 19/2006 and Act 266/2011, Act 449/2012, Act 668/2013.

Repeals section 79 (the sub-heading) and section 81c and section 81d (as amended by Act 1338/2011).

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