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Act (1005/2012) amending and temporarily amending the Social Assistance Act (1412/1997).

Main Region

First Region

Social assistance and services
Law, Act

Second Region

Laki (1005/2012) työttömyysturvalain (1412/1997) muuttamisesta ja väliaikaisesta muuttamisesta.
Amends chapter 3 section 6 ss.4 and chapter 7 section 6 ss.1 (as amended by Acts 1354/2007 and 1188/2009) concerning general limits for receiving benefits and income to be taken into account in needs assessment.

Temporary introduces a new chapter 9 (instead of Chapter 9 repealed by Act 1188/2009) concerning employment bonuses and right to labour market support in the form of employment bonuses.

Repeals chapter 3 section 6 ss.2 (as amended by Act 1354/2007).

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Partial End of applicaton region

    Date of partial end of application
    Chapter 9.

Amended Text region

Electronic region