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Act (903/2012) amending the Health Insurance Act (1224/2004).

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Social security (general standards)
Law, Act

Second Region

Laki (903/2012) sairausvakuutuslain muuttamisesta.
Amends chapter 9 section 7, section 10 ss.1, section 11 ss.2, section 14 ss.1 p.1, section 15, section 17, chapter 11 section 1 ss.2 p.3, chapter 15 section 4 ss.1 (as amended by Act 1342/2006, Act 438/2010, Act 1142/2010, Act 19/2012) concerning paternity allowance period, parental allowance, parental and paternity allowance for adoptive parents, how a child's death or handling over for adoption affects the parental allowance, limitations concerning the payment of parental allowance, adoption within a registered partnership, amount of allowance benefits under labor income, deadlines for claiming allowance benefits.

Repeals chapter 9 section 10 (as amended by Act 1342/2006 and Act 962/2009) and chapter 15 section 4a (as amended by 1342/2006 ).

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    Date of entry into force

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