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Law No.354-3 of 2 May 2012 to amend and supplement Certain Laws on Public Service.

Main Region

First Region

Public and civil servants
Law, Act

Second Region

Introduces a number of changes to the Law on Public Service. Namely supplements the Law with the words "including individual entrepreneurs" after the word "citizens" in point 1.9 of para 1 of article 21.
Introduces minor supplements in point 1.1 of para 1 of article 40 and para 3 of article 41.
Supplements article 41 with para 4 providing that public servants who hold public posts and are included in the roster of the Head of the Republic of Belarus, having reached the age of 65, with their consent, are allowed to stay in public service in the manner prescribe by the President of the Republic.

Makes the following amendments and supplements in the Code on Judicial System and Judges Status:

Introduces wording changes in point 3 of para 2 and para 3 of article 94 (Requirements for the Candidate of Position of Judge in the Court of General Jurisdiction and Economic Court), para 1 of article 99 (Appointment of Judges), point 4 of para 3 of article 124 (Termination of Powers of the Judge).
Supplements article 99 with para 5 providing that judges who hold public posts and are included in the roster of the Head of the Republic of Belarus, having reached the age of 65, with their consent are allowed to stay in public service in the manner prescribe by the President of the Republic.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Electronic region