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Act (1093/2010) amending the Act (1295/2006) respecting State pensions.

Main Region

First Region

Old-age, invalidity and survivors benefit
Law, Act

Second Region

Laki valtion eläkelain muuttamisesta.
Amends section 2 p.9, section 2 p.10, section 4 p.4, section 126 p.11 and p.13, section 150 (1), section 158 p.1 and section 161 (1) p.2 (section 150 (1), section 158 p.1 and section 161 (1) p.2 as amended by Act 468/2010) respecting general definitions, limitations on the scope of the Act, arrangements for payment of pensions, the right to obtain information on decisions in cases and performance of statutory duties, the right to disclose information to authorities and to controllers involved in credit information operations, the right to disclose information by means of technical connections.

Introduces a new p.11 to section 2 respecting general definitions of EU and EEA countries.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Amended Text region

Electronic region