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Act (1345/2009) amending the Act on the Integration of Immigrants and Reception of Asylum Seekers (493/1999).

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Migrant workers
Law, Act

Second Region

Laki maahanmuuttajien kotouttamisesta ja turvapaikanhakijoiden vastaanotosta annetun lain muuttamisesta.
Amends section 6, section 6b (title) and section 6b (1), section 21, section 22a (3), section 25e (2) and section 35 (1) and (2) respecting the tasks of Ministry of Interior, Finnish Migration Board, Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment and Regional State Administrative Agencies, agreements on arrangements for reception, insurance coverage, multi-professional assessment team and data controllers. Section 6, section 6b (1) and 22a (3) as amended by Act 972/2007, section 6b (title) as amended by Act 1215/2005, section 21 as amended by Act 118/2002 and section 25e (2) as amended by Act 1269/2006.

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    Date of entry into force

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