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Act (1225/2009) amending the Act (571/2007) respecting housing subsidies for pensioners.

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Old-age, invalidity and survivors benefit
Law, Act

Second Region

Laki eläkkeensaajan asumistuesta annetun lain muuttamisesta.
Amends section 12 (2) p. 1 (as amended by Act 1002/2008), section 13 (2), section 14 (1) p. 4, section 17 (6), section 30 (2) (introductory paragraph), section 41, section 45 (2) and section 53. Introduces to the Act a new section 30a respecting temporary granting of housing subsidies.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force
    Section 30 (2) (introductory paragraph) will enter into force on 2011-01-01.

Amended Text region

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