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Act (638/2009) amending the Municipal Pension Act (549/2003).

Main Region

First Region

Social security (general standards)
Law, Act

Second Region

Laki kunnallisen eläkelain muuttamisesta.
Amends section 24 (1) p. 3, section 32 (1), section 52 (4), section 72 (title) and section 72 (1), section 103-106, section 107 (title), section 107 (1) and (3), section 136 (2) and section 153 (4) respecting, inter alia, disability pensions, benefits, municipal pension provider, last pension provider, negotiation obligation and application for appeal. Section 32 (1), section 72 (title) as amended by Act 713/2004, section 52 (4), section 72 (1) and section 103 as amended by Act 1188/2003 and Act 713/2004, section 104-106 , section 107 (3) and section 153 (4) as amended by Act 1293/2006 and section 107 (1) as amended by Act 1006/2007.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Partial entry dates region

    Date of partial entry into force
    Section 24 (1) p. 3, section 52 (4), section 103-106, section 107 (title), section 107 (1) and (3), section 136 (2), section 153 (4).

Amended Text region

Electronic region