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Order (2008:35) on the Protocol against the smuggling of migrants by land, sea and air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime.

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Bekendtgørelse (2008:35) af protokol af 15. november 2000 om bekæmpelse af smugling af migranter til lands, ad søvejen og ad luftvejen til supplering af De Forenede Nationers konvention af 15. november 2000 om bekæmpelse af grænseoverskridende kriminalitet.
Denmark ratified the Protocol on 8 December 2006. The Protocol includes the following overall content:

Part I: General provisions.
Part II: Smuggling of migrants by sea.
Part III: Prevention, cooperation and other measures.
Part IV: Final provisions.

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    Date of entry into force

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