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Law No. 49 on Public Health.

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First Region

Syrian Arab Republic
Occupational safety and health
Law, Act

Second Region

This Law is composed of 8 chapters divided into 59 articles. Chapter I deals with terms and definitions. Chapter II pertains to Municipality Waste Disposal. Chapter III addresses provisions on industrial waste. Chapter IV provides for matters related to hazardous and toxic waste. Chapter VI recommends the care and the respect of the aesthetic of buildings in accordance with instructions and guides of the Administrative Units. Chapter VII contains offences and penalties. Chapter VIII deals with general provisions. Administrative Units shall be responsible for the gathering and transportation of municipal waste to predefined place where it shall be treated by different methods with the objective of protecting public health and environment (art. 3). The Administrative Unit Council shall issue a resolution that defines the times and places for throwing, gathering, transporting and treating waste (art. 5). Treatment of industrial waste is provided for in article 7. Articles 8-10 deal with liability of producers of industrial waste disposal and with duties and obligations of industry owners. The competent authorities shall define the plans related to free waste disposal and get rid of hazardous and toxic waste (art. 13). Bearing the costs and expenses of waste treatment are provided for in article 15. Requirements for transportation of hazardous and toxic waste are given in article 17. Kinds of hazardous and non-hazardous sanitary waste are specified in article 21. Article 25 provides for obligations to be followed by the stations of sanitary waste treatment. The Minister of Municipality and Environment shall issue the Implementing Regulation of this Law (art. 58).

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Serial region

    Serial title
    Official Gazette
    No. 50b
    Page range
    40 pp.