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Decision laying down criteria for granting credit for special allowances on account of certain types of working conditions and tasks performed in particular trades (Text No. 682).

Main Region

First Region

Serbia and Montenegro
Conditions of work
Regulation, Decree, Ordinance

Second Region

This Decision, issued by the Federal Executive Council under the Act of 19 April 1978 (Sluzbeni List, No. 23/78), sets forth the "criteria and means of determining particular working conditions which involve a risk of contracting an occupational disease", as well as "criteria for determining specific working conditions" (i.e. not posing a risk of one of the occupational diseases appearing on the established list, such as work in a photo laboratory, handling of explosives or work at high altitude).

Serial region

    Serial title
    Sluzbeni List
    No. 51
    Page range
    pp. 1376-1377