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Labour Tribunal Law (Law No. 45 of 2004)

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General provisions
Law, Act

Second Region

With a view to speeding up the procedure for settlement of labour disputes, the law establishes a Labour Tribunal by constituting a committee in District Courts, which consists of a judge and two independent experts in labour relations. The committee initially tries to resolve labour disputes through conciliation and in the case of its failure it proceeds to a Labour Tribunal procedure. The Labour Tribunal procedure should be rapid and conclude after a maximum three sessions. The decision of the Labour Tribunal has the force of settlement in the court, unless either party raises an objection. When an objection is raised, the Labour Tribunal procedure is transformed into a normal judicial process pending at the Disctrict Court, in which the Labour Tribunal has been set up.

Electronic region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Kampo Gogai
    No. 97
    Page range
    p. 59