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Unemployment Insurance Act (1997:238).

Main Region

First Region

Unemployment benefit
Law, Act

Second Region

Lag (1997:238) om arbetslöshetsförsäkring.
The consolidation of the Act includes a total of 59 amending texts through November 2015 (up to Act 2015:761). The consolidated text includes various amendments.

Contains 27 sections concerning, inter alia:

Section 1: Target groups.
Section 2: Basic insurance and loss of income insurance.
Section 3: The basic insurance.
Section 4: Loss of income insurance.
Section 5: General conditions for entitlement to compensation.
Section 6: Other conditions for eligibility.
Section 7: The work condition.
Section 8: Frame time and disregarded time.
Section 9: Compensation form.
Section 10: The waiting period duration and replacement.
Section 11: Standard working hours.
Section 12: Daily allowance amounts.
Section 13: Basic amounts.
Section 14: Earnings-based compensation.
Section 15: Deductions from allowance.
Section 16: Definition of entrepreneurs.
Section 17: Entrepreneurs unemployment.
Section 18: Entrepreneurs daily earnings
Section 19: Daily earnings for individuals who combined employment with entrepreneurship.
Section 20: Part-time and part-time.
Section 21: Limitation of seasonal unemployment.
Section 22: Duty to provide information.
Section 23: Appeals, review and update.
Section 24: Appeals on matters concerning the right to compensation.
Section 25: Appeals on matters concerning certification.
Section 26: Common provisions on appeal.
Section 27: Review and update.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Implementing Text region

Amending Text region

Repealed Text region

Electronic region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Svensk Författningssamling
    No. 238
    Page range
    pp. 1-12