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Decision on additional remuneration owed for work performed under unfavourable conditions and under certain other conditions.

Main Region

First Region

Regulation, Decree, Ordinance

Second Region

Undated Decision issued under Ordinance No. 72 of 1986 by the Council of Ministers and the Central Committee of Bulgarian Trade Unions. The first Chapter deals with work which is harmful or dangerous to health; underground and maritime work; work performed under certain arduous, dangerous or difficult conditions; work performed under unhealthful conditions or at offensive workplaces; work at construction sites, particularly if buildings of national importance are involved or if such work leads to "stabilisation of human ressources"; certain work at border sites and work at high altitudes. Ch. 2 deals with work which requires a particularly high level of occupational qualifications, scientific titles or the usage, in highly qualified posts, of a foreign language, stenography, etc.; it also deals with travel costs. Ch. 3 addresses remuneration in kind: food, lodging, heating, lighting, etc. Ch. 4 concerns tasks performed beyond the workers' normal duties. Ch. 5 is devoted to various types of work for which extra people are engaged. The final provisions notes that this Decision, which entered into force 1 Jan. 1987, has been issued in application of the Labour Code and repeals the Decision of 1 Feb. 1977.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Serial region

    Serial title
    D''rjaven vestnik
    nos 9 et 10
    Page range
    pp. 2-20 et 1-15