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Decision of the Ministry of Social Welfare and Health respecting the payment under s. 19b of the Workers' Pensions Act (No. 395 of 1961) [LS 1961-Fin. 4], s. 1 of the Act (No. 134 of 1962) respecting pensions for workers employed under short-term contracts, s. 19 of the Farmers' Pensions Act (No. 467 of 1969) [LS 1969-Fin. 2 (cons.), 1970-Fin. 7], s. 17 of the Self-Employed Persons' Pensions Act (No. 468 of 1969), and s. 11 of the Act (No. 662 of 1985) respecting pensions for certain performers and editors who are parties to an employment relationship.

Main Region

First Region

Community, social and personal services workers; Old-age, invalidity and survivors benefit
Miscellaneous (circular, directive, legal notice, instruction, etc.)

Second Region

Regulates the payment of pensions.

Basic Text region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Finlands Författningssamling-Suomen Säädöskokoelma
    No. 429
    Page range
    p. 940-942