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Act (No. 105 of 2013) amending the Act (No. 61 of 1973) to provide for a State guarantee for wage claims in the event of bankruptcy, etc., the Act (No. 22 of 1988) respecting the obligation to pay wages during layoffs, the Act (No 2 of 1989) on advance maintenance and the National Insurance Act (No. 19 of 1997).

Main Region

First Region

Law, Act

Second Region

Lov (Nr 105 av 2013) om endringer i lønnsgarantiloven, permitteringslønnsloven, forskotteringsloven og folketrygdloven.
Amends various articles and regulations concerning the guarantee of wages in the following acts:

- Act (No. 61 of 1973) to provide for a State guarantee for wage claims in the event of bankruptcy, etc.
- Act (No. 22 of 1988) respecting the obligation to pay wages during layoffs.
- Act (No 2 of 1989) on advance maintenance.
- National Insurance Act (No. 19 of 1997).

Partial entry dates region

    Date of partial entry into force
    Amendments to Act (No. 19 of 1997).
    Date of partial entry into force
    Amendments to Act (No 2 of 1989).
    Date of partial entry into force
    Amendments to Act (No. 61 of 1973) and Act (No. 22 of 1988).

Amended Text region

Electronic region