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Act (No. 61 of 2013) prohibiting discrimination on grounds of disability (Anti-Discrimination and Accessibility Act).

Main Region

First Region

Disabled workers; Non-discrimination
Law, Act

Second Region

Lov (Nr 61 av 2013) om forbud mot diskriminering på grunn av nedsatt funksjonsevne (diskriminerings- og tilgjengelighetsloven).
Contains 7 chapters and 35 articles concerning, inter alia:

Chapter 1: Purpose and scope (articles 1-4).
Chapter 2: Prohibition against discrimination (articles 5-12).
Chapter 3: Universal terms and individual adaptation (articles 13-17).
Chapter 4: Active promotion of equality (articles 18-20).
Chapter 5: Supplementary regulations related to employment (articles 21-27).
Chapter 6: Enforcement, burden of proof and responses (articles 28-32).
Chapter 7: Entry into force and amendments to other acts (articles 33-35).

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Repealed Text region

Electronic region