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Social Welfare Act of 8 March 2012 (Text No. 798).

Main Region

First Region

Social security (general standards)
Law, Act

Second Region

Zakon o socijalnoj skrbi
I - General Provisions
II - Social Welfare
III - Basic provisions of social welfare
IV - Financing activities of social welfare
V - Beneficiaries of social welfare
VI - Rights from the social welfare system
VII - Employment in field of social welfare
VIII - Network of services
IX - Database
X - Authority and procedure for obtaining rights from social welfare
XI - Supervision
XII - Expenses of social services
XIII - Filling the network of services in social welfare
XIV - Compensation
XV - Penal provisions
XVI - Final provisions

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force
    Except for 172.2 and 200.4 that enter into force with the entry of Croatia into the EU.

Repealed Text region

Repealing Text region

Electronic region