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Ordinance (No. 1711 of 2010) concerning the conditions for entitlement to benefits under the Act (No. 26 of 1949) concerning the State Pension Fund and certain other Acts respecting entitlement to benefits under the National Insurance Act (No. 19 of 1997).

Main Region

First Region

Old-age, invalidity and survivors benefit
Regulation, Decree, Ordinance

Second Region

Forskrift (Nr 1711 av 2010) om vilkår for rett til ytelser etter lov om Statens pensjonskasse og etter enkelte andre lover når det foreligger rett til ytelser etter folketrygdloven.
Introduces 4 articles concerning, inter alia:

Article 1: Scope of application.
Article 2: Relationship to national insurance benefits.
Article 3: Reimbursement from the national insurance sceme.
Article 4: Entry into force.

Repeals Ordinance (No. 1062 of 1996) concerning the conditions for entitlement to benefits under the Act on pension scheme for nurses when entitled to benefits under the National Insurance Act and Ordinance (No. 1084 of 1996) concerning the conditions for entitlement to benefits under the Act on the State Pension Fund and certain other laws on entitlement to benefits under the National Insurance Act.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Basic Text region

Electronic region