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Act No. 5597 of 16.06.2010 to amend some Acts and Decree having force of Law No. 190.

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Social security (general standards)
Law, Act

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KANUN No. 5997 Bazı Kanunlarda ve 190 sayılı Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamede Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun
It amends several provisions of the Social Insurance and General Health insurance Act No. 5510 of 31 May 2006:
- Article 40 para. 2 point 2 (14): replaces the word "police" by "police officer, head police officer and senior police officer";
- Article 106, it replaces the words "two years further to its entry into force for this Act" by "01.01.2012".
- Adds in Temporary Article 12 para 4 "from 2 years deadline » replaced by "01/01/2012";
- In Temporary Article 12, adds a sentence following para. 4 (change of date to 01.01.2012) and amends sentences in para. 5;
- Article 67, para. 1 (b): it amends the sentence 4 by adding the reference to Act No. 6183 on the Procedure for collection of public receivables dated 21/07/1953;
- Temporary Article 4, para 5: it adds a sentence (police academy);
- Temporary Article 18, para 1: adds a sentence (police academy); and
Adds a temporary Article 27 (calculation of premium to be paid).

It also amends several provisions of Act No. 5434 dated 08.06.1949 concerning the Retirement Fund of the Republic of Turkey and in particular Article 40 c (security members), Article 89 para. 1 (duty / disability salary).

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    Date of entry into force

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