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Act No. 5918 dated 26/06/2009 to amend the Turkish Criminal Code and other Acts.

Main Region

First Region

Criminal and penal law
Law, Act

Second Region

Türk Ceza Kanunu ile Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılmasına Dair Kanun
Repeals para 1 (h) of Article 13 of the Turkish Criminal Code No. 5237 and adds a paragraph to Article 55 (conditions for the release of the goods). Amends Article 165 (punishment in case of selling/buying, etc. of stolen goods) and adds a paragraph to Article 254 (corruption of foreign public servant). It amends Article 282 para 1 (value of assets), adds a para 2 to the same Article (value of assets) and other paragraphs linked to the previous ones.

It adds a para to Article 3 of Act No. 5271 dated 04/12/2004 on the reasoning to adopt in a penal judgement (competence of the military courts). Amends para 1 (a) of Article 250 of Act No. 5271 (trade of drugs) and replaces some words of the last sentence. Adds a sentence to para 3 of Article 253 (crime and mediation). Articles 3 and 250 applicable to pending investigations.

Entry dates region

    Date of entry into force

Amended Text region

Electronic region

Serial region

    Serial title
    Resmi Gazete
    No. 27283
    Page range
    pp. 11-12