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Act of 4 May 1993 on Labour Protection.

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Occupational safety and health
Law, Act

Second Region

In Chapter II, provides for the general requirements in labour protection (work with harmful and hazardous substances, electric and traffic safety, sanitary and recreation facilities). Chapter III deals with the organization of labour protection. Stipulates the employer's obligation to guarantee safe working conditions, to set up a labour protection board, to introduce the newest means of occupational safety, to inform the employees on requirements of occupational safety and health and to ensure timely measurements of hazardous factors in the work environment. States that employees shall have the right to refrain from starting the work or interrupt it if the working conditions, the equipment or vehicle they operate create danger to their health and lives, and if they have not been supplied with the necessary protective equipment (Chapter IV). Chapter V concerns investigation and registration of occupationnal accident and Chapter VI guarantees, privileges and compensations. Available in English.

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    11 p.