Digital Labour Platform

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Digital labour platforms

The platform economy is one of the most significant manifestations of the changes induced by digitalization. An important component of the platform economy is digital labour platforms, which include location-based platforms, where the services are provided by individuals in a specific location, and online platforms, where workers provide their services remotely. Its growth over the past decades has opened up new markets for businesses and created new employment and income opportunities, offering flexibility for some workers and characterized by low entry barriers. It has also significantly transformed how work is organized and performed, with challenges in ensuring that workers on platforms have access to decent work.  

In March 2023, the ILO Governing Body decided to place on the agenda of the 113th and 114th sessions of the International Labour Conference (June 2025 and 2026), a standard-setting item on decent work in the platform economy.

Key resources

A normative gap analysis on decent work in the platform economy

A normative gap analysis on decent work in the platform economy

Decent work in the platform economy: law and practice update

Decent work in the platform economy: law and practice update

Realizing decent work in the platform economy

ILC.113/Report V(1)

Realizing decent work in the platform economy

Platform work in developing economies: Can digitalisation drive structural transformation?

Platform work in developing economies: Can digitalisation drive structural transformation?

The role of digital labour platforms in transforming the world of work

The role of digital labour platforms in transforming the world of work

Digital labour platforms in Kenya: Exploring women’s opportunities and challenges across various sectors

Digital labour platforms in Kenya: Exploring women’s opportunities and challenges across various sectors

News and articles

ILO launches new AI and Digital Economy online knowledge hub
Abstract AI obstervatory illustration

ILO launches new AI and Digital Economy online knowledge hub

Innovative livelihood pathways for youth in Uganda: The Online Gig Work Program
Three trainees working on their laptops

Digital jobs

Innovative livelihood pathways for youth in Uganda: The Online Gig Work Program


Decent work in an increasingly digitalized financial services sector

Thematic brief

Decent work in an increasingly digitalized financial services sector

Decent work in the platform economy: law and practice update


Decent work in the platform economy: law and practice update

Rapid assessment of digital skills gaps and the feasibility of microwork employment opportunities in Uganda

Rapid assessment of digital skills gaps and the feasibility of microwork employment opportunities in Uganda

Ongoing and upcoming events

The hidden human labour powering AI: Introducing the Fairwork Action Research Project

Research Seminar

The hidden human labour powering AI: Introducing the Fairwork Action Research Project

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