The TVET Reform Project is not just introducing new ways of doing things; it is actually about changing the mindset of the TVET sector in Bangladesh. If the sector is to meet the rapidly increasing demands of the global labour market in the next ten years, it needs to become flexible, inclusive, efficient and collaborative, and this needs to be done quickly.

Project documentation |

This component will focus on changing that mindset on a legal, regulatory and policy-making level. The team will be focusing on strong governance, effective management, maximized operational capacity and improved coordination in the TVET system and institutions. Specifically, the team will deliver:

1. Improved TVET Policies and implementation mechanism
2. Improved legal and regulatory environment
3. Improved structured and coordination of TVET Systems; and
4. Improved monitoring of resources and outputs and accountability in TVET

Progress made

The project has been making good progress towards implementing reform in the TVET sector. To begin with, research studies were undertaken into the availability of TVET data, TVET legislation, policy and regulations and the applicability of ILO conventions and recommendations. Two documents; a National Skills Development Policy and a Review of the National Structure & Coordination of TVET and Skills Training were then drafted and submitted to the relevant government ministries.

In order to implement the National Skills Development Policy, the National Skills Development Council (NSDC) is considering the draft and the plans for its implementation. The project is working with the NSDC Secretariat to build their capacity to implement the Policy and will then provide ongoing technical support.

Current and future activities

During the second half of 2011, the focus will be on supporting the government to endorse and implement the new skills policy. A fellowship will also be organised for key agency staff to a regional country with an effective TVET system.

The project is currently looking forward to running the fifth of a series of nine professional development workshops in partnership with UNESCO with senior bureaucrats in Bangladesh. The workshops have been focusing on selecting performance measurements, data collection and analysis within the TVET sector, the need for reform and the new policies and legislation proposed.

The project is developing a new TVET data system which will allow the government to effectively monitor nationwide TVET enrolment and completion rates which they can then map against the current labour demands of industries. An operational handbook for TVET institutions which will act as a guide on how to understand the changes brought about by the reform is also being developed.