Bangladesh Qualification Framework (BQF) a route to a harmonized quality assured qualification system

The development of a Bangladesh Qualification Framework (BQF) will lead to a unified and harmonized quality assured qualification system across TVET and higher education.

A Bangladesh Qualification Framework is needed to facilitate lifelong learning by opening up access, attracting investment and recognizing non-formal and informal learning, participants at a preparatory workshop on ‘Development of a Bangladesh Qualification Framework’ held in Dhaka heard today.

Organized by The Directorate of Technical Education (DTE), in collaboration with the ILO’s European Union-funded Skills 21 project, the workshop gathered stakeholders and created awareness amongst them to gain their support to develop a unified or harmonized Bangladesh Qualification Framework (BQF).

During the workshop it was emphasized that the development of BQF would strengthen national qualification systems by harmonizing sub-systems of qualifications such as higher education and adult learning while supporting and encouraging education and learner/worker mobility both nationally and internationally.

Presiding over the event, Mr Md. Alamgir, Secretary of Technical and Madrasah Education Division, said, “The Government places high priority on technical education to develop a skilled workforce both nationally and internationally. This is the right time to develop a harmonized qualification system across education that will benefit both employers and job seekers. TMED will act as bridge to bring coherence and clarity to the qualifications systems.”

By harmonising systems of qualifications, students in any system (e.g. Technical and Vocational) could potentially transfer credits should they wish to switch to any other system (e.g. Madrahsa).
ILO Officer-in-Charge Snehal V Soneji said, “We are taking the first step towards building a unified and harmonised qualification framework for Bangladesh. A Bangladesh Qualification Framework will allow learners to move within and across occupations, industry sectors and education sub sectors. This will greatly meet the needs of students and industry alike.”

During the workshop, Prof. Dr. Hj. Hazman Shah Bin Abdullah, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Quality Assurance, Malaysian Qualifications Agency shared the development process of National Qualification Frameworks in the context of ASEAN. Meanwhile ILO Skills and Employability Specialist Gabriel H Bordado showcased the global success factors of national qualification frameworks and the role of regional qualification framework.

The development of a Bangladesh Qualification Framework (BQF) will lead to a unified and harmonized quality assured qualification system across TVET and higher education. It will indicate comparability of different qualifications and how one can progress from one level to another, within and across occupations (industry sectors) and / or across TVET and higher education sub-sectors. The BQF will also help potential economic migrants to gain qualifications that are better linked with the market demands.

The ‘Development of a Bangladesh Qualification Framework’ workshop took place at the Sonargaon Hotel Dhaka.