Information toolkit on psychosocial support at the workplace in war and post-war times

With care for yourself and everyone

Download a unique series of information materials on psychosocial support at workplace in war and post-war times "With care for yourself and everyone". They will be helpful to workers, enterprise and trade union leaders, labour inspectors. These materials are “work in progress” developed with the support of the EU-funded ILO Project in consultation with national partners – as a response to the identified need in Ukraine. Any comments/observations/suggestions on the materials are welcome and appreciated.

With care for yourself

Methods of psychological recovery in war and post-war times

  1. Briefly about the most important for workers

    Mental health is a psychological state in which a person can realize his/her potential, overcome life stresses, work productively and contribute to his/her community. Find out how you can assess it.

  2. Information material for workers

    Care for mental health is important to support healthy relations with yourself. During the war and in post-war time, it will help think clearly, react and prevent development of problems. So, what does such care consist of, and what can we impact to stay resourceful?

With care for everyone

Psychological first aid to workers in war and post-war times

  1. Practical tips

    Here is important information both for enterprise leaders, trade unions and labour inspectors continuously communicating with workers and for workers themselves who can support a colleague promptly in the hour of need.

  2. Contacts for obtaining free psychological aid

    Avoid giving advice and make diagnoses, rather share contact information and/or refer the person to the resources where he/she will be able to obtain a specialist’s help.

Psychosocial support at the workplace in war and post-war times

  1. Notes for a labour inspector on information and consulting assistance to enterprise leaders

    Labour inspectors have fast and convenient access to the working population. That is why they may initiate a talk on benefits of the policy and programme of psychosocial support at the enterprise level.

  2. Most important points for enterprise and trade union leaders in brief

    Leaders may need appropriate knowledge about organization of psychosocial support of workers. See a checklist that will help you pay attention to key aspects of such support and define further steps for positive change.

  3. Information material for enterprise and trade union leaders

    Psychologically healthy workers are an indication of a healthy working environment. When training on psychological recovery and stress management skills is built into the enterprise’s activities, workers feel valued and supported.

  4. Template of the policy on psychosocial support of workers at the workplace

    This template will help you develop a written policy on psychosocial support at the workplace. The policy may be adapted to the needs of an enterprise/organization/institution.