ILO Budapest Newsletter 2021 March

This issue reports on ILO response to the COVID-19 pandemic in the Central and Eastern European region. It introduces programme results and new projects, and features ILO resources related to the pandemic, fresh publications and new staff.

Read the full issue online 


The ILO Office for Central and Eastern Europe continues to support the production of solid evidence on the impact of the pandemic on labour markets and social security nets. The latest assessment report on the impact of the pandemic on Western Balkan labour markets is on Bosnia and Herzegovina. A new report assesses Covid-19 related social security responses in our region. New projects include scaling up ILO employment creation efforts as well as support for start-ups in Bosnia and Herzegovina with EU funding. An important result is a new law in Moldova that puts Labour Inspection back in charge of OSH. The ILO signed a new 4-year cooperation agreement with Ukraine.


ILO/EBRD assessment report says COVID-19 threatens 245,000 jobs in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The new report assesses the impact of the crisis on labour market.

Social security and COVID-19: Which measure were effective in protecting workers?
The new ILO report reviews the national social security measures in response to COVID-19 crisis, analyses their effectiveness and discusses future challenges in improving the social security system in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Moldova, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Serbia and Ukraine.


ILO Monitor: COVID-19 and the world of work. 7th edition

The role of digital labour platforms in transforming the world of work (World Employment and Social Outlook 2021)

COVID-19 and the world of work: ILOSTAT, the leading online source of labour statistics (with country profiles)


Ukraine and ILO sign new cooperation agreement to pave the way for delivery on decent work 

In the next four years, ILO’s support to Ukraine will center around employment creation, extension of social protection, securing rights at work, and promotion of social dialogue.
Reform of the reform in Moldova: New law puts State Labour Inspectorate back in charge of occupational safety and health
The Republic of Moldova adopted the amendment law that restores the functions of the State Labour Inspectorate as the control body of occupational safety and health (OSH) and the investigation of work accidents.

Do you know your labour rights? Web-based solutions keep youth and workers informed in North Macedonia and Moldova
The ILO developed a mobile application as an educational game on labour rights for youth in Moldova. In North Macedonia, the ILO launched a webpage that enables workers to find information related to labour rights.

Teleworking in Montenegro: ILO offers guidelines on effective working arrangements from home
The ILO guidelines were recently endorsed by the Social Council of Montenegro as a platform for further discussion.

Authentic and green tourism off the beaten tracks in Albania’s Vjosa river region
To unlock further potential, the ILO conducted a study on the tourism sector in the Gjirokastra region, Southern Albania, a region characterised by a constant outflow of habitants who look for jobs and better life conditions in the capital of the country or abroad.


Local Employment Partnerships 2 in Bosnia and Herzegovina 
The project funded by the European Union in its second phase  will continue supporting employment creation through partnerships on local level.
COVID-19 response: EU4Business recovery in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The EU-funded project will provide emergency support to micro, small and medium-sized enterprises to ensure their business continuity, to retain more than 1000 jobs, and to create at least 100 new jobs.
Active employment policies through the digitalisation of the Employment Agency of Montenegro
The EU-funded project aims to digitalise the operations of the Employment Agency of Montenegro so that it can deliver better services to working age women and men.


COVID-19 and the World of Work: Assessment of the Employment Impacts and Policy Responses BOSNIA and HERZEGOVINA

Assessment of the Social Security Responses to COVID-19

Legal analysis of the regulation and implementation of “teleworking” in Montenegro’s Labour Framework

Towards sustainable tourism in Albania’s Vjosa River Region