Towards a social pension for all older people in the Occupied Palestinian Territory

This policy brief sets out to discuss options for strengthening the Palestinian pension system by presenting alternatives for the implementation of a social pension that would effectively ensure basic income security for all older women and men.

Drawing on International Labour Organization (ILO) background analysis on the feasibility of a social pension for Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) and on HelpAge’s experiences of working in numerous low- and middle-income countries across the globe, the brief makes a case that the establishment of a social pension in OPT is urgent and feasible.

This report was made possible with funding provided by the International Labour Organization (ILO) under the UN Joint Programme. The ILO provided valuable guidance and support, with special thanks to Charis Reid, Momin Badarna, and Luca Pellerano.

The report was also reviewed by the El-Wedad Society for Community Rehabilitation, Juzoor for Health and Social Development, and HelpAge International Regional Office for EME Region.

The authors would also like to express gratitude to Tareq Abuelhaj, Nadia Saad, and Oxford Policy Management Limited for their contributions.