Decent Work Country Programme in Iraq- Recovery and Reform (Update December 2021)

Two years since the establishment of the ILO Country Coordination Office in Iraq

The ILO Country Coordination Office was established in 2020, as the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on labour markets across the globe was beginning to unfold.

The ILO Country Coordination Office was established to support the implementation of the Decent Work Country Programme on the ground. Yet, with the new challenges which the pandemic brought, it was critical for the ILO, its constituents and development partners to rethink programmes and strategies that would address the country’s immediate needs, while looking at the longer-term Decent Work priorities of Iraq.

Youth, women, Forcibly Displaced Persons and informal workers were among the hardest hit by the closure of businesses and loss of income. ILO studies have looked extensively at the impact on the pandemic on the labour market, while trying to find solutions that can support vulnerable workers most in need.

Almost two years into the pandemic and the establishment of the Country Coordination Office, the ILO's vision for more and better jobs has become clearer and integrated into the Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2020-2024.

This document outlines some of the achievements and progress made and lessons learned along the way, under the Decent Work Country Programme's key priorities of supporting private sector development and job creation; strengthening social protection and addressing child labour; and strengthening labour governance and social dialogue.