Social protection responses to the COVID-19 crisis in the MENA/Arab States region

This policy brief provides a summary of the main social protection measures that were adopted by the countries in the MENA/Arab States region in immediate response to the pandemic. The brief maps the social protection measures, benefits and services which were provided by the governments and UN agencies for nationals and non-nationals, including refugees, of 21 countries in the region.

The COVID-19 pandemic posed many challenges and socio-economic impacts in most countries in the MENA/Arab states region. Rapid measures were taken to support socio-economic stability, prevent rising poverty and food insecurity, protect workers and those most in need against the health and economic consequences of the health crisis, and to ensure equal access to health services and a basic.

This policy brief provides a summary of the main social protection measures that were adopted by the countries in the MENA/Arab States region in the immediate phase of response to the pandemic. The brief maps the social protection measures, benefits and services which were provided by the governments and UN agencies for nationals and non-nationals, including refugees, of 21 countries in the MENA/Arab States region. Four main types of social protection interventions were considered: 1) social insurance and labour market interventions, 2) social assistance, 3) social measures for foreign workers, refugees and internally displaced people; and 4) changes in administrative and operational procedures of social protection programmes

The mapping and brief have been produced by the Regional UN Issue-Based Coalition on Social Protection (IBC-SP) for the MENA/Arab States region. The IBC-SP - - co-chaired by ILO and UNICEF - gathers regional experts from ILO, UNICEF, ESCWA, FAO, IOM, UNDP, UNHCR, WHO, UNRWA, WFP and the RCO to share knowledge, think and work together on the development of effective and inclusive social protection systems, including floors, in the MENA/Arab States region, as a key pathway for reducing vulnerabilities and building resilience to shocks and stresses, reducing poverty and achieving the SDGs.