Resources on Skills and employability in the Arab States

  1. Skills, Employability and Entrepreneurship in the occupied Palestinian territories

    20 January 2014

  2. Public employment services in Jordan consider job creation methods in Syrian refugee-hosting communities

    The ILO and public employment service representatives from Amman, Mafraq and Irbid meet to formulate a strategic plan for improving opportunities in refugee hosting communities.

  3. Statistical Background Note 2013: Rethinking Economic Growth - Towards Productive and Inclusive Arab Societies

    20 December 2013

    This background note presents a compilation of selected demographic, education and labour statistics for the Arab Region. This was prepared as an input to the joint ILO/UNDP report on Rethinking Economic Growth: Towards Productivity and Inclusive Arab Societies.

  4. Emerging good practices related to training and job placement of persons with disabilities in lebanon

    18 December 2013

    This report is the product of a collaborative effort bringing together Arcenciel, the Lebanese Physical Handicapped Union, and the Forum of the Handicapped Association, UNRWA and the ILO.

  5. Communities hosting Syrian refugees build capacity to create jobs and enhance productivity in Jordan

    Selected organizations and facilitators will receive training in value chain development to stimulate job creation and build national capacity to respond to increased labour supply resulting from the Syrian refugee crisis.

  6. Regional employers receive training on lobbying and advocacy

    Employers’ organizations from Arab countries are presented with enhanced training methods to influence policy and agenda setting.

  7. Seminar aims to enhance the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace

    01 December 2013

    The ILO gathers employers to share experiences on how to make workplaces more inclusive for people with disabilities in the Arab States region.

  8. Arab countries receive training in disability inclusion practices

    Employers, government representatives and organizations providing disability services from Arab countries are trained in labour market methods of inclusion for persons with disabilities.

  9. Enabling Job Resilience and Protecting Decent Work Conditions in Rural Communities Affected by the Syrian Refugee Crisis in Northern Lebanon

    29 November 2013

    The ILO is working with vulnerable populations to build the resilience of rural host communities in areas affected by the Syrian refugee crisis in Northern Lebanon.

  10. Gaza begins Local Economic Recovery activities with ILO support

    25 November 2013

    The ILO’s International Training Centre begins value chain development training aimed at post-conflict job creation and economic growth in Gaza’s fisheries.