Moнгол Улсын бодлогын хураангуй: Олон улсын хөдөлмөрийн хэм хэмжээ ба худалдаа

This policy brief is part of a series providing information on international labour standards and their implementation in Mongolia.

This policy brief relates specifically to international labour standards and trade, highlighting linkages between these two areas. It provides an overview of the ILO Conventions, Recommendations and Protocols that make up international labour standards, as well as the system of supervision designed to ensure their implementation.

The brief provides information on free trade agreements (providing case studies on Europe, the United States and Canada), global supply chains, corporate social responsibility and foreign direct investment. It argues that the implementation of international labour standards promotes decent work, increased productivity, increased employment, and increased foreign trade and direct investment. It highlights areas for improvement and provides recommendations to further these goals.