National validation workshop of the draft “Accelerating the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals through Decent Work: SDGs monitoring and country profile for Mongolia”

The National Statistics Office of Mongolia, supported by the ILO, organizes a stakeholder workshop for representatives of the Mongolian government, social partners, and other relevant institutions to discuss, review and comment on the draft “Accelerating the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals through Decent Work, SDGs monitoring and country profile for Mongolia” for its finalization.

A stakeholder workshop for representatives of the Mongolian government, social partners, NSO and other relevant institutions to discuss, review and comment on the draft “Accelerating the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals through Decent Work, SDGs monitoring and country profile for Mongolia” for its finalization. The draft profile report focuses on the SDGs decent work agenda and analyses its economic and social context, progress and setbacks in achieving decent work related goals. It examines the 18 SDGs decent work indicators for which the ILO is custodian or involved agency and the main decent work indicators.


  • To discuss and validate the draft profile with broader participation
  • To raise awareness among policy makers, social partners and other stakeholders about key decent work challenges in Mongolia in the context of achieving SDGs
  • To foster a national dialogue for monitoring and reporting on SDGs decent indicators in Mongolia


About 50 participants from National Statistics Office, Ministry of Labour and Social Protection, Ministry of Justice and Home Affairs, Ministry of Education, Culture, Science and Sports, Ministry of Finance, National Development Agency, General Authority for Health and Social Insurance, General Agency for Labour and Welfare Services, General Agency for Specialized Inspection, Family, Children and Youth Development Agency, National Commission on Gender Equality, Research Institute of Labour and Social Protection, Confederation of Mongolian Trade Unions, Mongolian Employers’ Federation, National Human Rights Commission, Parliamentary sub-standing committee on SDGs, Academia, NGOs.

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