Executive course on designing and expanding universal pension systems in Asia and the Pacific

Improving old-age income security is a priority across the region. In February 2015, over twelve countries of Asia and the Pacific will participate in a Executive course on extending universal pension systems, in Bangkok, Thailand. The course is organized by the ILO/Japan Project on Social protection and employment promotion, together with the International Training Center of the ILO and HelpAge

The International Labour Organization (ILO)/Japan project “Income Security and Employment Services in Asia”, the International Training Centre of the ILO, in collaboration with HelpAge, are organizing the “Executive course on designing and expanding universal pension systems in Asia and the Pacific”.

Learning Objectives:

The executive course on social pension seeks to train pension experts in design, implementation, reform, and management of effective and efficient pension schemes. It provides advanced knowledge and capacities for the analysis and redesign of current systems, based on a wide breadth of comprehensive examples, with the aim of developing an international perspective on pension issues through comparative analysis and sharing experiences of other schemes. The course also aims at increasing awareness of the international labour standards related to social security and pension in particular, notably the ILO’s Social Protection Floors Recommendation, 2012 (No.202). The executive course further explores mechanisms for improved coordination with other policies and programmes aimed at providing old-age protection and increased outreach of pension systems. Finally, the course strives to increase understanding of economic and financial implications of pension systems as well as the challenges posed by the fi nancial and economic backdrop in a given context.


The course targets the representatives of the Ministries of Labour and Social Welfare, Social Security Offi ces, representatives of workers and employers involved at the technical level in the planning, fi nancing and management of pension schemes of Asia and the Pacifi c. The course is also suitable for social protection experts from universities, United Nations agencies and civil society.

This Executive Course covers the social, demographic, economic and fi nancing challenges impacting on the viability and adequacy of
pension schemes as well as the policy trends emerging from Asia and emerging countries around the world. Through an analytical review of the pension provision objectives, the course tackles the key planning and policy considerations to be addressed in the consolidation and expansion of comprehensive pension systems. Participants will have the opportunity to explore fundamental issues and priorities related of modern pension systems, learning from specifi c countries’ analysis.