Statements and speeches


  1. Statement

    Opening Remarks to the ILO/Japan Asian Pacific Regional Seminar on the Application of the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up

    19 May 2004

    by Ms Lin Lean Lim, OIC Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

  2. Statement

    Opening Remarks to the National Stakeholders' Meeting on Selection of Sending and Receiving Areas, Sectors for the ILO/IPEC/TICW II-Thailand Component

    18 May 2004

    by Ms Christine Evans-Klock, Director of Subregional Office for East Asia

  3. Statement

    Decent working conditions essential for economic progress

    11 May 2004

    The ILO Director-General addresses the issues of decent work, globalization and the role and future of the ILO in connetion with the celebration of the 60th Anniversary of the Declaration of Philadelphia.

  4. Statement

    Opening Remarks to the IPEC Regional Meeting

    05 May 2004

    by Ms Lin Lean Lim, OIC Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific

  5. Statement

    Opening Remarks to the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples in Asia and the Pacific, Field-Headquarters Consultation and Joint Work Planning Exercise

    29 March 2004

    by Mr Hugh Odhams, OIC Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific


  1. Statement

    Inaugural Address to the Regional Workshop on the Role of Cooperatives in Poverty Reduction with Particular Emphasis on PRSP and Decent Work in Asia

    10 November 2003

    by Ms Christine Evans-Klock, Director for ILO Subregional Office for East Asia

  2. Statement

    Inaugural Address to the Inter-regional Tripartite Meeting of Experts on Safety and Health in Shipbreaking for Selected Asian Countries and Turkey

    14 October 2003

    by Mr Yasuyuki Nodera, Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific

  3. Statement

    Inaugural Address to the South East Asian Sub-Regional Tripartite Forum on Decent Work

    06 October 2003

    by Mr Yasuyuki Nodera, Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific

  4. Statement

    Inaugural Address to the Tripartite Regional Meeting on Employment in the Tourism Industry for Asia and the Pacific

    15 September 2003

    by Mr Satoshi Sasaki, Senior Technical Specialist on the Decent Work Team

  5. Statement

    Inaugural Address to the Asian Regional Workers' Seminar on Decent Work in Agriculture

    18 August 2003

    by Mr Yasuyuki Nodera, Regional Director for Asia and the Pacific