Law-Growth Nexus II: Labour Law and the enabling business environment for SMEs in Kenya and Zambia

The Law Growth Nexus II Project is aligned to the Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCP) in Kenya and Zambia which identifies Social Protection, Employment Creation and Social dialogue as priorities for consideration. The project is also premised on the fi ndings of a fi rst phase which was designed to contribute to fi lling the gaps in information and knowledge regarding the influence labour and labour-related laws and regulations have on Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) employment and particularly on the growth Law Growth Nexus Project prospects of MSEs, their decisions regarding formality and the quality of the jobs MSEs create.

The Law Growth Nexus II Project is aligned to the Decent Work Country Programmes (DWCP) in Kenya and Zambia which identifies Social Protection, Employment Creation and Social dialogue as priorities for consideration.

The project is also premised on the fi ndings of a fi rst phase which was designed to contribute to fi lling the gaps in information and knowledge regarding the influence labour and labour-related laws and regulations have on Micro and Small Enterprises (MSE) employment and particularly on the growth Law Growth Nexus II Project prospects of MSEs, their decisions regarding formality and the quality of the jobs MSEs create.

The immediate project objectives are:
  • to nurture respect for the rule of (labour) law among SME in priority sectors,
  • to strengthen the capacity of ILO constituents to engage in social dialogue on the nexus between Labour Law compliance and SME development
  • to facilitate sector-specific regulatory reform
  • and to strengthen the capacity of SME to comply with the revised labour law.