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HIV/AIDS presents a challenge to both empoyees and employers. It is a destructive pandemic that presents a major obstacle to the reduction of poverty, economic growth and social development. While, globally much progress has been made and HIV/AIDS is on a downward trend. HIV/AIDS is having, and has had, a devastating impact on human resources and productivity in many countries, mainly in Africa and Asia. HIV/AIDS' impact in the workplace has been widespread. Employers have experienced a reduction in productivity and increased employee absenteeism, and issues of stigma and discrimination have surfaced requiring targeted and managed programmes from employers.

The ILO Code of Practice on HIV/AIDS together with accompanying training manual and guidelines for employers serve as reference documents and tools in this endeavour. ACT/EMP works to help Employer and Business Membership Organizations and their member enterprises manage the impact of HIV/AIDS, protect their workers and their businesses, and strengthen the business response.