Supporting the definition and extension of a social protection floor (SPF) in Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands

The project aims to support Solomon Islands and Vanuatu to develop progressively comprehensive social protection systems. The Social Protection Floor (SPF) Recommendation provides guidance to member countries in building nationally defined social protection floors which aim at providing health care and minimum income security throughout the life cycle.

The project commences with an Assessment Based National Dialogue (ABND) exercise, bringing together stakeholders (government, workers, employers, development partners) in a joint effort to:

• assess the existing social protection provision and its strength and weaknesses
• identify priority areas for government and donor interventions for the establishment of a nationally defines social protection floors
• identify present and future costs of each policy option, through a costing exercise
• facilitate policy coherence across programmes and agencies

The ABND will draw recommendations for the further design and implementation of social protection provisions in order to the social protection floors. The next steps may include feasibility studies for the design of new schemes, expansion of existing schemes, and establishment of coordination mechanisms.

Overall expected project impact

The project will contribute to the creation of a detailed account of social protection realities in Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands, which can be used by donors and policy makers to identify gaps in the SPFs in each country. The policy recommendations and costing scenarios contained in the final ABNDs and resulting concept notes will serve as a basis for discussions on future social protection policy, and will inform prioritization of social protection activities.

Immediate objectives

• The Assessment Based National Dialogue (ABND) exercises are finalized in Vanuatu and the Solomon Islands
• Mechanisms to increase outreach, efficiency and linkages of existing social protection, antipoverty and employment promotion programmes are conceptualized
• Concept notes and project proposals are developed for the design and establishment of other social insurance/social assistance programmes in both countries

Related links

ILO/Japan Fund for Building Social Safety Nets in Asia and the Pacific (SSN Fund)

ILO Social Protection Portal

Extension of Social Protection in Solomon Islands

Social Protection Floor Workshop in Solomon Islands