International migration: is labour mobility part of the global policy agenda? |
International migration has been emerging as a major global concern in recent years. This reflects a rapid acceleration of population movements across international borders. Yet the fact remains that flows of goods, knowledge and capital, while all restricted in some ways are much freer than flows of labour. Much migration is temporary or undocumented, making it harder to protect migrant workers. The social integration of migrants is also an issue with rising levels of xenophobia threatening social stability. The gap between tight immigration policies in industrialized countries and growing emigration pressures in developing countries has also led to much irregular migration and trafficking.
An important aspect of the social dimension of globalization is therefore the need for a policy framework for international labour mobility and migration. What would be a realistic multilateral system for coordinating and managing migration? What kind of regional and international cooperation is needed to respond to emigration pressures in many low and medium income countries? In addition to the existing international standards on migration, what other measures could be taken at the national, regional, and international levels to better protect migrants?