Uganda 3-4 October 2002 (National Dialogue)
The dialogue was opened by the Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Development, Hon. Zoe Bakoko Bakoru on behalf of the President of Uganda, His Excellency, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.
Dr. Ezra Suruma, the Economic Director at the Movement Secretariat presented the first paper on Globalization: "Concepts, Perceptions and Macro-issues". Dr. Marios Obwona, Bank of Uganda presented the second paper on "The Impact of Globalization: Issues of Concern to Uganda".
On Day I, the paper presentations were followed by a plenary discussion, prior to presentations from the various groups of stakeholders.
On Day II, groups were formed to discuss specific themes:
Values of globalization
Employment and social security
Human resource development
Governance and domestic policies.
Findings of the group discussions were presented to the whole plenary of dialogue participants and then debated.