27 August 2002 (National Dialogue)
The meeting was organized jointly by the ILO Office in Dakar and the Council for the Development of Social Research in Africa (CODESRIA), an independent pan-African research organization. It was opened by Mr. Yéro Deh, Minister of Public Service, Employment and Labour of Senegal, and by Mr. Assane Diop, Executive Director, Social Protection Sector, ILO, Geneva. The high-level policy dialogue assembled 50 invited participants from government, business, labour, civil society organizations, research institutions, the diplomatic community and the press.
Three academic papers reviewing the main features of global and regional economic integration and its impact on African society were the basis for the first plenary discussion. This was followed by three breakout groups focusing respectively on:
a. investment, trade, and information and communication technologies (ICT)
b. employment, migration and gender issues
c. national and regional governance, democracy, and cultural diversity.