...ILO LOGO...


Governing Body 

274th Session
Geneva, March 1999

Record of Decisions


This document is a preliminary working paper for the use of the Governing Body and officials of the Office. It records only the Governing Body's decisions, and not the circumstances of their adoption, except where they were the result of a formal vote. The comments or reservations by individual members or groups subject to which the decisions were made will be found in the minutes of the session.

Where an Office publication or paper refers to a Governing Body decision, the source given should be the relevant Governing Body document and minutes, and not this Record of Decisions.

The Record of Decisions is arranged in the order of the items on the Governing Body's agenda. All decisions relating to a particular paper or section of a paper are grouped together. After the decision the sitting at which it was taken is indicated in brackets together with the basis on which it was taken, including appropriate references to Governing Body papers. The decisions are reproduced in full, with the exception of those relating to reports of the Committee on Freedom of Association, where a simple reference is made to the paragraphs of the report which form the basis of the decision.

The table of contents is in the form of a detailed agenda showing for each item the number of the relevant Governing Body paper and that of the relevant paragraph in the Record of Decisions.


Table of contents


Item on the agenda




Approval of the minutes of the 273rd Session




Follow-up action on the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up




Date, place and agenda of the 89th Session (2001) of the International Labour Conference




The ILO's response to the financial crisis in Asia




Measures taken by the Government of Myanmar to implement the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry established to examine the complaint concerning its observance of the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29)




Consideration of the Director-General's Report on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories at the 87th (1999) Session of the International Labour Conference




Developments in the United Nations in 1998-99




Reports of the Committee on Freedom of Association



  • 314th report: (Cases Nos. 1787, 1948, 1955, 1962, 1964 and 1973: Colombia)






Reports of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee


First report: Financial and general questions


Programme and Budget for 1998-99
Position of accounts as at 31 December 1998
Collection of contributions from 1 January 1999 to date
Follow-up on the report of the Chief Internal Auditor for the year ended 31 December 1997
Report of the Chief Internal Auditor for the year ended 31 December 1998
Follow-up on the report of the External Auditor on the accounts for 1996-97


Appointment of External Auditor


Report of the Building Subcommittee


Accrual accounting: Amendments to the Financial Regulations and Financial Rules


Delegation of authority under article 18 of the Standing Orders of the International Labour Conference


Other financial and general questions

Financial arrangements for a commission of inquiry concerning the observance of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98), by the Government of Colombia


United Nations Administrative Committee on Coordination (ACC) -- Statistical report on the budgetary and financial situation of organizations of the United Nations system


Regional Meetings: Proposed new arrangements


Second report: Personnel questions


Statement by the Chairperson of the Staff Union Committee
Composition and structure of the staff
Decisions of the United Nations General Assembly on the report of the International Civil Service Commission




Pensions questions:




Decisions of the United Nations General Assembly on administrative expenses of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund




Composition of the ILO Staff Pension Committee



Matters relating to the ILO Administrative Tribunal:



Apportionment of the costs of the Tribunal




Recognition of the Tribunal's jurisdiction by the World Trade Organization (WTO)




Composition of the Tribunal



Child-care facilities in the ILO


Third report: Programme and Budget proposals for 2000-01



Report of the Government members of the Committee on Allocations Matters


Scales of assessment of contributions to the budget for 2000



Reports of the Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards

First report: Legal issues


I. Agreement between the International Labour Organization and the Inter-Parliamentary Union


II. Consolidation of reforms in the functioning of the International Labour Conference


III. Legal issues relating to the setting in motion of the Follow-up on the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work



(a) Coordination of periods for the reports under article 22 of the Constitution




(b) Proposed amendment to article 7 of the Standing Orders of the Conference




(c) Proposed amendment to article 12 of the Standing Orders of the Conference



Second report: International labour standards and human rights


I. Report of the Working Party on Policy regarding the revision of Standards


II. Standard-setting policy: the ratification and promotion of fundamental ILO Conventions
III. General status report on ILO action concerning discrimination in employment and occupation


IV. Forms for reports on the application of unratified Conventions (article 19 of the Constitution):

    Night Work (Women) Convention, 1919 (No. 4)
    Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised), 1934 (No. 41)
    Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised), 1948 (No. 89)
    Protocol of 1990 to the Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised), 1948 (No. 89)


V. UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel, 1997: Monitoring


VI. Other questions:
Interim report of the Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers: Allegations submitted by teachers' organizations



Report of the Subcommittee on Multinational Enterprises


Follow up on and promotion of the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy

(a) Consideration of the draft questionnaire for the Seventh Tripartite Survey on the effect given in 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999 to the Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy


(b) Promotional activities, technical advisory services, completed studies and current research by the Office



Developments in other organizations
Other questions




Report of the Committee on Employment and Social Policy


I. ILO policies and activities concerning vocational rehabilitation
II. Progress report on preparations for the Second ILO Enterprise Forum


III. Effect to be given to the resolution concerning youth employment, adopted by the Conference at its 86th Session (June 1998)


IV. Preparations for the International Consultation concerning Follow-up on the World Summit for Social Development
V. ILO participation in major international conferences on employment issues
VI. Employment activities of the ILO in the context of economic crises



Report of the Committee on Sectoral and Technical Meetings and Related Issues


I. Composition and purpose of the sectoral meetings to be held in 2000-01


II. Effect to be given to the recommendations of sectoral meetings

(a) Joint Meeting on Terms of Employment and Working Conditions in Health Sector Reforms (Geneva, 21-25 September 1998)


(b) Tripartite Meeting on the Impact of Flexible Labour Market Arrangements in the Machinery, Electrical and Electronic Industries (Geneva, 26-30 October 1998)


(c) Joint Meeting on Human Resource Development in the Public Service in the Context of Structural Adjustment and Transition (Geneva, 14-18 December 1998)


III. Invitation of non-governmental international organizations

(a) Symposium on the Social and Labour Consequences of Technological Developments, Deregulation and Privatization of Transport (Geneva, 20-24 September 1999)



(b) Tripartite Meeting on the Human Resources Implications of Globalization and Restructuring in Commerce (Geneva, 25-29 October 1999)




(c) Tripartite Meeting on Safety and Health in the Fishing Industry (Geneva, 13-17 December 1999)




(d) Tripartite Meeting on Managing the Privatization and Restructuring of Public Utilities (Geneva, 12-16 April 1999)




(e) Tripartite Meeting on Social and Labour Issues in Small-scale Mines (Geneva, 17-21 May 1999)



IV. Report of the Meeting of Experts on Ambient Factors at the Workplace (Geneva, 27 January-2 February 1999)


V. Other questions:
Staffing and financial resources for the Sectoral Activities Programme



Report of the Committee on Technical Cooperation


I. Effect to be given to the recommendations of the Working Party on the Evaluation of the Active Partnership Policy


II. The ILO's resource mobilization strategy: Progress report
III. Global programmes (including IPEC): Further information
IV. Concluding statements



Report of the Working Party on the Social Dimensions of the Liberalization of International Trade




Report of the Director-General

and Add.1

I. Obituary


II. Progress in international labour legislation
III. Internal administration
IV. Publications and documents


V. Composition of the Governing Body


First Supplementary Report: Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations



Second Supplementary Report: Replacement of a member of a committee set up to examine a representation submitted under article 24 of the ILO Constitution



Third Supplementary Report: Participation of non-



Fourth Supplementary Report: Report of the Committee set up to examine the representation alleging non-observance by Chile of the Old-Age Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933 (No. 35) and of the Invalidity Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933 (No. 37), submitted under article 24 of the ILO Constitution, by the College of Teachers of Chile A.G.



Fifth Supplementary Report: Report of the Committee set up to examine the representation alleging non-observance by Denmark of the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by Dansk Magisterforening



Sixth Supplementary Report: Taxation of salaries paid to local staff in Zambia



Seventh Supplementary Report: Report of the Committee set up to examine the representation alleging non-observance by Bolivia of the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention, 1989 (No. 169), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the Bolivian Central of Workers (COB)




Reports of the Officers of the Governing Body

First report: Representation alleging non-observance by Ethiopia of the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111) and the Termination of Employment Convention, 1982 (No. 158) made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the National Confederation of Eritrean Workers (NCEW)




Composition and agenda of standing bodies and meetings


Tripartite Meeting on Social and Labour Issues in Small-scale Mines (Geneva, 17-21 May 1999)


Fourteenth American Regional Meeting (Lima, 24-27 August 1999)


Symposium on the Social and Labour Consequences of Technological Developments, Deregulation and Privatization of Transport (Geneva, 20-24 September 1999)


Meeting of Experts on Labour Inspection and Child Labour (Geneva, 27 September-1 October 1999)


International Symposium on Trade Unions and the Informal Sector (Geneva, 18-22 October 1999)


International Consultation concerning Follow-up on the World Summit for Social Development (Geneva, 2-4 November 1999)


Ninth African Regional Meeting (Yamoussoukro, 8-11 December 1999)


Meeting of Experts on Safety in the Use of Insulation Wools (Geneva, 17-26 January 2000)



Matters on which the Officers of the Governing Body took decisions on its behalf:

Programme of meetings for 1999-2000



Symposia, seminars and similar meetings



Requests from non-governmental international organizations wishing to be represented at the 87th (1999) Session of the International Labour Conference




I. Amendments to the Financial Regulations of the International Labour Organization

II. Amendments to the Financial Rules of the International Labour Office

III. Composition and purpose of the sectoral meetings to be held in 2000-01


 First item on the agenda

Approval of the minutes of the 273rd Session

1. Subject to the corrections received, the Governing Body approved the minutes of its 273rd Session. (First sitting; GB.274/1)

* * *

Second item on the agenda

Follow-up action on the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work and its Follow-up

2. The Governing Body approved the four report forms as amended in the light of the discussion and reproduced in document GB.274/2(Add.1) and requested the Director-General to send them as soon as possible to the States concerned, with the beginning of November 1999 as the deadline for replies. (Sixth sitting; GB.274/2(Add.1), and GB.274/2, para. 15)

3. The Governing Body decided to appoint a group of experts composed of seven eminent persons, who shall be responsible, in line with the objectives of the follow-up on the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work as set out in the Annex to the Declaration, for --

(a) examining the information compiled by the Office on the basis of the replies from Members that have not ratified the relevant Conventions to the report forms sent by the Office in accordance with article 19, paragraph 5(e), of the Constitution, as well as any comments on those replies made in accordance with article 23 of the Constitution;

(b) presenting to the Governing Body an introduction to the compilation based on those reports, drawing its attention to aspects that seem to call for more in-depth discussion;

(c) proposing to the Governing Body, for discussion and decision, any adjustments that they think desirable to the report forms.

(Sixth sitting; GB.274/2, para. 23 and Add.1 and proposal by the Chairperson)

4. The Governing Body requested the Director-General to undertake wide consultations in order to submit concrete proposals for the appointment of the group of experts not later than November 1999. (Sixth sitting; proposal by the Chairperson)

5. The Governing Body requested the Office to submit to it, at its 276th Session (November 1999), through its Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards, a draft amendment to the Standing Orders of the Governing Body that takes into account the guidance given by the Governing Body, such that the amendment is in force at the Governing Body's session in March 2000, when the first annual review is held. (Sixth sitting; GB.274/2, para. 31)

6. The Governing Body determined the cycle of global reports in the order provided for in the Declaration, namely, after freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining --

(a) the elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour;

(b) the effective abolition of child labour;

(c) the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation.

(Sixth sitting; GB.274/2, para. 34)

* * *

Third item on the agenda

Date, place and agenda of the 89th Session (2001)
of the International Labour Conference

7. The Governing Body decided that the 89th Session (2001) of the Conference should open on Tuesday, 5 June 2001, and that it should be held in Geneva. (Third sitting; GB.274/3, paras. 1 and 2)

8. The Governing Body decided that, in addition to the standing items which the Conference would have before it, and on the understanding that the item included on the agenda of the 88th Session (2000) of the Conference entitled "Human Resources Training and Development: Vocational Guidance and Vocational Training" (General discussion) would also cover the issue of youth employment, the following items should be placed on the agenda of the 89th Session (2001) of the Conference:

(a) Promotion of cooperatives (first discussion, with a view to the adoption of a Recommendation);

(b) Social security -- Issues, challenges and prospects (general discussion).

(Fifth sitting; GB.274/3, para. 287)

9. The Governing Body noted that, as a result of the above decisions, and having regard to the standing items that would necessarily be before the Conference and the item likely to be carried over from the 88th Session (2000), the agenda of the session would be as follows:

Standing items

  1. Reports of the Chairperson of the Governing Body and the Director-General.
  2. Programme and Budget proposals for 2002-03 and other financial questions.
  3. Information and reports on the application of Conventions and Recommendations.

Items placed on the agenda by the
Conference or the Governing Body

  1. Safety and health in agriculture (second discussion).
  2. Promotion of cooperatives (first discussion).
  3. Social security -- Issues, challenges and prospects (general discussion).

(Fifth sitting; GB.274/3 paras. 3-4 and 287)

10. The Governing Body requested the Office to submit to it, in November 1999, proposals concerning the timing of decisions taken on the Conference agenda. (Third sitting; proposal by the Government of Japan).

* * *

Fourth item on the agenda

The ILO's response to the financial crisis in Asia

11. The Governing Body took note of the conclusions of the Reporter of the Governing Body Symposium on the Social Impact of the Asian Financial Crisis (Geneva, 19-20 March 1999). (Eighth sitting; GB.274/4/4)

* * *

Fifth item on the agenda

Measures taken by the Government of Myanmar
to implement the recommendations of the Commission
of Inquiry established to examine the complaint concerning
its observance of the Forced Labour Convention, 1930 (No. 29)

12. The Governing Body decided --

(a) to request the Director-General to inform the members of the Governing Body, by means of a written report, on or before 21 May 1999, regarding measures which the Government of Myanmar has taken to comply with the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry, together with details of any technical assistance requested or provided;

(b) to request the Director-General, in preparing the above-mentioned report, to take into account any comments by the Government of Myanmar, as well as information from workers' and employers' organizations and from other reliable sources;

(c) and immediately thereafter:

(Sixth sitting; GB.274/5/D.1, proposed by the Workers' group, as amended by Mr. Brett (Worker Vice-Chairperson)

* * *

Sixth item on the agenda

Consideration of the Director-General's Report on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories at the 87th (1999) Session of the International Labour Conference

13. The Governing Body --

(a) decided in favour of the proposal for the holding of a special sitting for the consideration of the Director-General's report on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories at the 87th (1999) Session of the Conference;

(b) invited the Director-General to submit to the Selection Committee proposals relating to the holding of a special sitting at the 87th Session (June 1999) of the International Labour Conference for the consideration of his report on the situation of workers of the occupied Arab territories, based upon arrangements approved at the 86th (June 1998) Session of the Conference.

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/6 para. 7)

* * *

Seventh item on the agenda

Developments in the United Nations in 1998-99

14. The Governing Body took note of the Office paper. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/7)

* * *

Eighth item on the agenda

Reports of the Committee on Freedom of Association

313th report

15. The Governing Body took note of the introduction to the report. (Sixth sitting; GB.274/8/1, paras. 1-66).

16. The Governing Body adopted the recommendations in paragraphs 76 (Case No. 1947: Argentina); 84 (Case No. 1982: Brazil); 117 (Case No. 1987: El Salvador); 131 (Case No. 1927: Mexico); 150 (Case No. 1967: Panama); 168 (Case No. 1880: Peru); 176 (Case No. 1906: Peru); 197 (Case No. 1983: Portugal); 219 (Case No. 1959: United Kingdom/Bermuda); 243 (Case No. 1977: Togo); 269 (Case No. 1981: Turkey); 284 (Case No. 1812: Venezuela); and 303 (Case No. 1952: Venezuela). (Sixth sitting; GB.274/8/1)

314th report

17. The Governing Body adopted the recommendations in paragraphs 41, 77, 96, 113 and 128 (Cases Nos. 1787, 1948, 1955, 1962, 1964 and 1973: Colombia) of the report. (Sixth sitting; GB.274/8/2)

18. The Governing Body postponed to its 276th Session (November 1999) the decision on the appointment of a commission of inquiry and the designation of its members to examine the complaint concerning the non-observance by Colombia of the Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention, 1948 (No. 87), and the Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98), made by delegates to the 86th (1998) Session of the Conference under article 26 of the Constitution of the ILO). (Sixth sitting; GB.274/8/2, para. 141)

315th report

19. The Governing Body adopted the recommendations in paragraph 26 of the report. (Fifth sitting; GB.274/8/3)

* * *

Ninth item on the agenda

Reports of the Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee

First report: Financial and general questions

Programme and Budget for 1998-99

Position of accounts as at 31 December 1998

Collection of contributions from 1 January 1999 to date

Follow-up on the report of the Chief Internal Auditor
for the year ended 31 December 1997

Report of the Chief Internal Auditor
for the year ended 31 December 1998

Follow-up on the report of the External Auditor
on the accounts for 1996-97

20. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/9/1, paras. 2-49)

Appointment of External Auditor

21. The Governing Body decided that the holder of the office of Comptroller and Auditor-General of the United Kingdom and the holder of the office of Deputy Comptroller and Auditor-General of the United Kingdom be appointed as External Auditor and Deputy External Auditor respectively for a period of four years from 1 April 2000. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/9/1, para. 68)

Report of the Building Subcommittee

22. The Governing Body took note of this section of the report. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/9/1, paras. 69-75)

Accrual accounting: Amendments to the Financial
Regulations and Financial Rules

23. The Governing Body --

(a) approved the amendments to the Financial Regulations set out in Appendix I to this Record of Decisions and decided to submit the following draft resolution for adoption by the Conference at its next session:

(b) approved the draft amendments to the Financial Rules set out in Appendix II to this Record of Decisions, on the understanding that the amendments would only enter into force should the International Labour Conference adopt the resolution mentioned in (a) above.

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/9/1, para. 77)

Delegation of authority under
article 18 of the Standing Orders of
the International Labour Conference

24. The Governing Body decided to delegate to its Officers, for the period of the 87th Session (June 1999) of the Conference, the authority to carry out its responsibilities under article 18 of the Standing Orders of the Conference in relation to proposals involving expenditure in the 66th Financial Period ending 31 December 1999. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/9/1, paras. 79-80)

Other financial and general questions

Financial arrangements for a commission of inquiry
concerning the non-observance of the Freedom of Association
and Protection of the Right to Organise Convention,
1948 (No. 87), and the Right to Organise and
Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No. 98),
by the Government of Colombia

25. The Governing Body decided that, should it decide to establish a commission of inquiry concerning Colombia(1)  --

(a) an honorarium at the rate of $300 per day be paid to each member of the commission of inquiry;

(b) the cost of the commission in 1999, estimated at $365,000, be financed by savings in Part I of the budget; and that the cost in 2000-01, estimated at $180,000, be financed by a provision to be made for this purpose in Part I of the Programme and Budget for 2000-01.

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/9/1, para. 86)

United Nations Administrative Committee on
Coordination (ACC) -- Statistical report on the
budgetary and financial situation of organizations
of the United Nations system

26. The Governing Body took note of this section of the report. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/9/1, paras. 87-90)

Regional Meetings: Proposed new arrangements

27. The Governing Body --

(a) decided that additional interpretation and meeting room facilities should be made available to the Government group at Regional Meetings and that the resulting additional cost for the two meetings referred to in paragraph 7 of the Office paper, estimated at $22,000, be financed by savings in Part I of the Programme and Budget for 1998-99;

(b) decided to increase the duration of Regional Meetings to four days so as to enable the meetings to adopt conclusions and a brief report, provided that, in exceptional circumstances, this duration could be extended by one day, subject to Governing Body approval, and provided that any additional costs can be financed from savings in Part I of the programme and budget, or shortened by one day if the countries of the region so decide.

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/9/1, para. 114)

* * *

Second report: Personnel questions

Statement by the Chairperson of the Staff Union Committee

Composition and structure of the staff

Decisions of the United Nations General Assembly on the report
of the International Civil Service CommissionPensions questions

Decisions of the United Nations General Assembly on
administrative expenses of the United Nations
Joint Staff Pension Fund

28. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report. (Seventh sitting; GB.274/9/2, paras. 2-18)

Composition of the ILO Staff Pension Committee

29. The Governing Body requested its Officers to make a proposal on its behalf direct to the 87th Session of the International Labour Conference concerning the appointment to the ILO Staff Pension Committee of a person to fill the vacancy left by Mr. Chotard. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/9/2, para. 24)

Matters relating to the ILO Administrative Tribunal

Apportionment of the costs of the Tribunal

30. The Governing Body decided that, as from the year 2000, the ILO's contribution to the running costs of the Administrative Tribunal should consist of --

(a) the cost of the Registrar (two Professional work-years), part-time secretarial support (five General Service work-months), and miscellaneous costs;

(b) a share of the other running costs based on the proportion of ILO staff to the total number of staff of organizations that have accepted the Tribunal's jurisdiction;

(c) the running costs chargeable to those organizations whose share is less than $180.

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/9/2, para. 30)

Recognition of the Tribunal's jurisdiction by the
World Trade Organization (WTO)

31. The Governing Body approved the recognition of the Tribunal's jurisdiction by the World Trade Organization, with effect from 1 January 1999. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/9/2, para. 34)

Composition of the Tribunal

32. The Governing Body requested the Office to convey to Mr. Mark Fernando its appreciation for the services he had rendered to the work of the Administrative Tribunal over the previous seven years. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/9(Corr.), para. 1)

33. The Governing Body decided to submit to the International Labour Conference, for adoption at its forthcoming session, the following resolution:

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/9(Corr.), para. 2)

Child-care facilities in the ILO

34. The Governing Body --

(a) agreed in principle to establish a child-care facility on the ILO premises, pending further examination of a more detailed proposal by the Governing Body at its 275th Session in June 1999;

(b) requested the Director-General to submit a revised proposal for the child-care facilities to the 275th Session of the Governing Body, including a more detailed presentation of the cost structures, construction options and other material arrangements;

(c) requested the Director-General to undertake immediately the necessary planning activities for the child-care facilities pending a Governing Body discussion in June.

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/9/2, para. 63)

* * *

Third report:
Programme and Budget proposals for 2000-01

35. Subject to the positions taken, and to the reservations expressed during the discussion, the Governing Body decided --

(a) to propose to the International Labour Conference at its 87th Session (June 1999) a provisional programme level of $481,050,000 estimated at the 1998-99 budget exchange rate of 1.46 Swiss francs to the US dollar, the final exchange rate and the corresponding US dollar level of the budget and Swiss franc assessment to be determined by the Conference;

(b) to propose to the Conference at the same session a resolution for the adoption of the Programme and Budget for the 67th financial period (2000-01) and for the allocation of expenses among member States in that period in the following terms:

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/9/3, para. 316)

Report of the Government members of the
Programme, Financial and Administrative Committee
on Allocations Matters

Scales of assessment of contributions
to the budget for 2000

36. The Governing Body --

(a) in accordance with the established practice of harmonizing the rates of assessment of ILO member States with their rates of assessment in the United Nations, decided to base the ILO scale of assessment for 2000 on the UN scale for 2000, and accordingly to propose to the Conference the adoption of the draft scale of assessment for 2000 as set out in column 3 of the appendix to the report, subject to such adjustments as might be necessary following any further change in the membership of the Organization before the Conference was called upon to adopt the recommended scale.

(b) authorized the Government members to continue their work, if necessary, after the Governing Body had concluded its work at its 274th Session and to submit their report direct to the Finance Committee of Government Representatives of the Conference.

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/9/4, paras. 5 and 7)

* * *

Tenth item on the agenda

Reports of the Committee on Legal Issues and
International Labour Standards

First report: Legal issues

I. Agreement between the International Labour Organization
and the Inter-Parliamentary Union

37. The Governing Body approved the text of the Agreement between the International Labour Organization and the Inter-Parliamentary Union, reproduced in the Appendix to the report, and authorized the Director-General (or his representative) to sign it on behalf of the ILO. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/10/1, para. 15)

II. Consolidation of reforms in the functioning of the
International Labour Conference

38. The Governing Body decided to propose to the Conference --

(a) that the reform measures adopted at the 86th Session (June 1998) of the Conference be maintained at its 87th Session (June 1999);

(b) that the Officers of the Conference consequently recommend the suspension of article 4, paragraph 2; article 9(a); article 14, paragraph 6; and article 56, paragraph 9, of the Conference Standing Orders, to the extent necessary to implement the above measures at that session;

(c) that the Officers of the Conference also recommend the suspension of article 52, paragraph 3, of the Conference Standing Orders to the extent necessary to allow the Government electoral college to vote by electronic means.

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/10/1, para. 23)

III. Legal issues relating to the setting in motion of the
Follow-up on the ILO Declaration on Fundamental
Principles and Rights at Work

(a) Coordination of periods for the reports
under article 22 of the Constitution

39. The Governing Body decided that the first two-yearly report in respect of Convention No. 138 should be requested in the year 2000. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/10/1, para. 26)

(b) Proposed amendment to article 7 of the
Standing Orders of the Conference

40. The Governing Body decided to propose that, in order to enable the Follow-up on the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the International Labour Conference, at its 87th Session (June 1999), amend article 7(1)(b) of its Standing Orders to read as follows:

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/10/1, para. 42)

(c) Proposed amendment to article 12 of the
Standing Orders of the Conference

41. The Governing Body requested the Committee on Legal Issues and International Labour Standards to make specific proposals, at the Governing Body's 276th Session (November 1999), as to the manner in which the first global report should be discussed by the Conference in June 2000 on the basis of a paper prepared by the Office. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/10/1, para. 57)

Second report: International labour standards and human rights

I. Report of the Working Party on Policy regarding the
Revision of Standards

42. The Governing Body --

(a) took note of the report of the Working Party on Policy regarding the Revision of Standards and of the opinions expressed during the meeting of the Committee;

(b) approved the recommendations in the corresponding paragraphs of the report on which a consensus had been reached within the Working Party and the Committee.

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/10/2, para. 9)

II. Standard-setting policy: The ratification and promotion
of fundamental ILO Conventions

III. General status report on ILO action concerning
discrimination in employment and occupation

43. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/10/2, paras. 10-36)

IV. Forms for reports on the application of unratified Conventions
(article 19 of the Constitution)Night Work (Women) Convention, 1919 (No. 4)

Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised), 1934 (No. 41)
Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised), 1948 (No. 89)
Protocol of 1990 to the Night Work (Women) Convention
(Revised), 1948 (No. 89)

44. The Governing Body adopted the draft report form for the Night Work (Women) Convention, 1919 (No. 4); the Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised), 1934 (No. 41); the Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised), 1948 (No. 89); and the Protocol of 1990 to the Night Work (Women) Convention (Revised), 1948 (No. 89), as appended to the report. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/10/2, para. 45)

V. UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of
Higher-Education Teaching Personnel, 1997: Monitoring

45. The Governing Body invited the Director-General to continue and complete consultations with the Director-General of UNESCO with a view to submitting a paper for decision to the Governing Body at its 276th Session (November 1999) on the possible extension of the mandate of the Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts (CEART) to encompass monitoring the application of the UNESCO Recommendation concerning the Status of Higher-Education Teaching Personnel. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/10/2, para. 49)

VI. Other questions

Interim report of the Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee
of Experts on the Application of the Recommendation
concerning the Status of Teachers: Allegations
submitted by teachers' organizations

46. The Governing Body --

(a) took note of the interim report of the Joint ILO/UNESCO Committee of Experts on the Application of the Recommendation concerning the Status of Teachers relating to an allegation on the non-observance of certain provisions of the Recommendation in the Czech Republic;

(b) authorized the Director-General to communicate the report to the Government of the Czech Republic and to the Czech and Moravian Trade Union of Workers in Education (MOS PŠ), and to invite them to take the necessary follow-up action as recommended in the report.

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/10/2, para. 53)

* * *

Eleventh item on the agenda

Report of the Subcommittee on Multinational Enterprises

Follow up on and promotion of the Tripartite Declaration of Principles
concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy

(a) Consideration of the draft questionnaire for the Seventh Tripartite
Survey on the effect given in 1996, 1997, 1998 and 1999 to the
Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational
Enterprises and Social Policy

47. The Governing Body endorsed the agreement summarized in paragraph 17 of the report, as follows:

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/11, paras. 17 and 22)

(b) Promotional activities, technical advisory services,
completed studies and current research by the Office

Developments in other organizations

Other questions

48. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/11, paras. 23-52)

* * *

Twelfth item on the agenda

Report of the Committee on Employment and Social Policy

I. ILO policies and activities concerning vocational rehabilitation

II. Progress report on preparations for the Second ILO Enterprise Forum

49. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/12, paras. 3-40)

III. Effect to be given to the resolution concerning youth employment, adopted by the Conference at its 86th Session (June 1998)

50. The Governing Body requested the Director-General --

(a) to bring the conclusions to the attention of member States and employers' and workers' organizations;

(b) to take account of the resolution when preparing future ILO activities.

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/12, para. 61)

IV. Preparations for the International Consultation concerning
Follow-up on the World Summit for Social Development

V. ILO participation in major international conferences on employment issues

VI. Employment activities of the ILO in the context of economic crises

51. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/12, paras. 62-133)

* * *

Thirteenth item on the agenda

Report of the Committee on Sectoral
and Technical Meetings and Related Issues

I. Composition and purpose of the sectoral meetings
to be held in 2000-01

52. The Governing Body decided that --

(a) for each meeting the Government representatives should be appointed by the governments of the countries selected and the Employer and Worker representatives be appointed on the basis of nominations made by the respective groups of the Governing Body;

(b) the duration of each meeting should be five calendar days, except for the Meeting of Experts on Safety and Health in Non-ferrous Metals, whose duration should be eight calendar days.

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/13, para. 12)

53. The Governing Body approved, on the basis of the table in Appendix III to this Record of Decisions, the proposals concerning --

(a) the type of meeting and the number of delegations;

(b) the countries to be invited to be represented;

(c) the countries to be included on the reserve list;

(d) the purpose of the meetings.

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/13, para. 13)

II. Effect to be given to the recommendations
of sectoral meetings

(a) Joint Meeting on Terms of Employment and Working
Conditions in Health Sector Reforms
(Geneva, 21-25 September 1998)

54. The Governing Body --

(a) authorized the Director-General to communicate the Note on the Proceedings:

(b) requested the Director-General --

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/13, para. 16)

(b) Tripartite Meeting on the Impact of Flexible Labour
Market Arrangements in the Machinery,
Electrical and Electronic Industries
(Geneva, 26-30 October 1998)

55. The Governing Body --

(a) authorized the Director-General to communicate the Note on the Proceedings:

(b) requested the Director-General to bear in mind, when drawing up proposals for the future programme of work of the Office, the wishes expressed by the Meeting in paragraphs 10 to 14 of the conclusions and relevant parts of the resolution.

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/13, para. 23)

(c) Joint Meeting on Human Resource Development in
the Public Service in the Context of Structural
Adjustment and Transition
(Geneva, 14-18 December 1998)

56. The Governing Body --

(a) authorized the Director-General to communicate the Note on the Proceedings:

(b) requested the Director-General to bear in mind, when drawing up proposals for the future programme of work of the Office, the wishes expressed by the Meeting in paragraphs 10 to 15 of the conclusions.

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/13, para. 26)

III. Invitation of non-governmental international organizations

57. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the non-governmental international organizations listed below to be represented by observers at the meetings indicated:

(a) Symposium on the Social and Labour Consequences of
Technological Developments, Deregulation and
Privatization of Transport
(Geneva, 20-24 September 1999)

(b) Tripartite Meeting on the Human Resources
Implications of Globalization and
Restructuring in Commerce
(Geneva, 25-29 October 1999)

(c) Tripartite Meeting on Safety and Health in
the Fishing Industry
(Geneva, 13-17 December 1999)

(d) Tripartite Meeting on Managing the Privatization and
Restructuring of Public Utilities
(Geneva, 12-16 April 1999)

(e) Tripartite Meeting on Social and Labour
Issues in Small-scale Mines
(Geneva, 17-21 May 1999)

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/13, paras. 27-32 and 36-39)

IV. Report of the Meeting of Experts on Ambient
Factors at the Workplace

(Geneva, 27 January-2 February 1999)

58. The Governing Body took note of the report of the Meeting of Experts and authorized the Director-General to publish the Code of practice on ambient factors at the workplace. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/13, para. 35)

V. Other questions

Staffing and financial resources for
the Sectoral Activities Programme

59. The Governing Body took note of this section of the report. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/13, para. 40)

* * *

Fourteenth item on the agenda

Report of the Committee on Technical Cooperation

I. Effect to be given to the recommendations of the Working Party on the
Evaluation of the Active Partnership Policy

60. The Governing Body, taking note of the proposal on evaluation methodology and its modalities as described in document GB.274/TC/1, and recalling the decision made earlier to establish an evaluation methodology for the Active Partnership Policy and a system of ongoing monitoring of the APP by the Governing Body, recognizing that the Office is in the process of undergoing organizational changes and awaiting the outcome of the programme and budget exercise, decided that the concept was maintained in principle and that further discussion should be held at the Governing Body's session in November 1999 with a view to following up on the decision taken by the Governing Body in November 1998 taking into account the changes referred to above.

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/14, para. 71)

II. The ILO's resource mobilization strategy: Progress report

III. Global programmes (including IPEC): Further information

IV. Concluding statements

61. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/14, paras. 72-119)

* * *

Fifteenth item on the agenda

Report of the Working Party on the Social Dimensions
of the Liberalization of International Trade

62. The Governing Body took note of a statement by the Chairperson of the Working Party and of statements by the Employer and Worker Vice-Chairpersons. (Sixth sitting; oral report by Mr. Lyne (Government, United Kingdom), Chairperson of the Working Party)

* * *

Sixteenth item on the agenda

Report of the Director-General

I. Obituary

63. The Governing Body requested the Director-General to convey its sympathy --

(a) to the family of Sir Frank Leslie Walcott, the Barbados Workers' Union and the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions;

(b) to the family of Alfred Califice and to the Government of Belgium.

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/16, para. 6 and GB.274/16(Add.1), para. 5)

II. Progress in international labour legislationIII. Internal administrationIV. Publications and documents

64. The Governing Body took note of these sections of the report (Eighth sitting; GB.274/16, paras. 7-19)

Composition of the Governing Body

65. The Governing Body took note that, in accordance with article 5, paragraph 5 of the Standing Orders of the Governing Body, the Employers' group had appointed Mr. Alan Wild (United Kingdom) to fill the vacancy resulting from the resignation of Ms. France. (First sitting; announcement by the Employer Vice-Chairperson)

First Supplementary Report

Report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations

66. The Governing Body took note of the report of the Committee of Experts on the Application of Conventions and Recommendations. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/16/1, para. 4)

Second Supplementary Report

Replacement of a member of a committee set up to examine
a representation submitted under article 24 of the ILO Constitution

67. The Governing Body appointed a replacement Worker member of the Committee it had set up at its 270th Session (November 1997) to examine a representation alleging non-observance by Hungary of the Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122) and the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No. 111), made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the National Federation of Workers' Councils (NFWC). (Second (private) sitting; GB.274/16/2, para. 2)

Third Supplementary Report

Participation of non-metropolitan territories
as observers in the 87th Session (June 1999) of the
International Labour Conference

68. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite Bermuda, through the Government of the United Kingdom, to send a tripartite observer delegation to the 87th Session (June 1999) of the International Labour Conference. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/16/3, para. 3)

Fourth Supplementary Report

Report of the Committee set up to examine the representation alleging non-observance by Chile of the Old-Age Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933 (No. 35) and of the Invalidity Insurance (Industry, etc.) Convention, 1933 (No. 37), submitted under article 24 of the ILO Constitution, by the College of Teachers of Chile A.G.

69. The Governing Body approved the report and declared closed the procedure initiated before the Governing Body as a result of the representation. (Seventh (private) sitting; GB.274/16/4, para. 33)

Fifth Supplementary Report

Report of the Committee set up to examine the representation
alleging non-observance by Denmark of the
Employment Policy Convention, 1964 (No. 122),
made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution
by Dansk Magisterforening

70. The Governing Body adopted the report and declared closed the procedure before the Governing Body resulting from the representation. (Seventh (private) sitting; GB.274/16/5, para. 16)

Sixth Supplementary Report

Taxation of salaries paid to local staff in Zambia

71. The Governing Body took note of the report and requested the Director-General to convey to the Government of the Republic of Zambia the importance that it attached to equality between member States and between officials of the Organization, as well as the hope that, taking into account the concerns expressed by the Director-General in his letter of 18 November 1998, the Government would be able to take all necessary action to ensure that its fiscal authority complied with the Government's international obligations. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/16/6, para. 6)

Seventh Supplementary Report

Report of the Committee set up to examine
the representation alleging non-observance by Bolivia
of the Indigenous and Tribal Peoples Convention,
1989 (No. 169), made under article 24 of the
ILO Constitution by the Bolivian Central of Workers (COB)

72. [...]

73. The Governing Body approved the report and declared closed the procedure resulting from the representation.

(Seventh sitting; GB.274/16/7, paras. 43-44)

* * *

Seventeenth item on the agenda

Reports of the Officers of the Governing Body

First report:

Representation alleging non-observance by Ethiopia
of the Discrimination (Employment and Occupation)
Convention, 1958 (No. 111) and the
Termination of Employment Convention, 1982 (No. 158)
made under article 24 of the ILO Constitution by the
National Confederation of Eritrean Workers (NCEW)

74. The Governing Body appointed the remaining members of the Committee it set up at its 273rd Session (November 1998) to examine the representation. (Second (private) sitting; GB.274/17/1, para. 2)

* * *

Eighteenth item on the agenda

Composition and agenda of standing bodies and meetings

Tripartite Meeting on Social and Labour
Issues in Small-scale Mines

(Geneva, 17-21 May 1999)

75. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultations
with the Workers' group

Mr. J. Maitland (Australia), National Secretary, CFMEU Mining and Energy Division;

Mr. K. Hammer (Austria), Gewerkschaft Metall-Bergbau-Energie;

Mr. L. McBrearty (Canada), National Director, United Steelworkers of America;

Mr. Y. Zhao (China), Chairperson, Coal Miners' and Geological Workers' Union of China;

Mr. R. Perez Nieves (Colombia), President, Sintracarbon;

Mr. R.K. Cole (Ghana), General Secretary, Ghana Mineworkers' Union of TUC;

Mr. N.P. Singh (India), Secretary, Indian National Mineworkers' Federation;

Mr. A. Treminio Corea (Nicaragua), Sindicato Nacional de Trabajadores Mineros y Similares (SINTRAMIN);

Mr. M. Condescu (Romania), President, Centrala Nationala Confederativa a Sindicatelor Miniere;

Mr. M. Guiro (Senegal), Secrétaire Général, Syndicat des Industries Extractives et de la Prospection Minière du Sénégal (CNTS);

Mr. J. Motlatsi (South Africa), President, National Union of Mineworkers;

Mr. B. Gustavsson (Sweden), International Department, Swedish Metal Workers' Union;

Mr. J. Main (United States), United Mine Workers of America;

Mr. T.E. Ruzive (Zimbabwe), General Secretary, Associated Mineworkers of Zimbabwe;

Ms. V. Gonzales (Chile), President, Federación del Cobre, c/o Central Unitaria de Trabajadores (CUT);

Mr. M. Gomez Mamani (Bolivia), Secretariao Ejecutivo, Central Obrera Boliviana (COB).


Fourteenth American Regional Meeting

(Lima, 24-27 August 1999)

Invitation of non-governmental
international organizations

76. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite ATD Quart Monde, Caritas Internationalis and the Permanent Congress of Trade Union Unity of Latin American Workers (Congreso Permanente de Unidad Sindical de los Trabajadores de America Latina -- CPUSTAL) to be represented by observers at the meeting. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/18, paras. 3-4)


Symposium on the Social and Labour Consequences of Technological
Developments, Deregulation and Privatization of Transport

(Geneva, 20-24 September 1999)

77. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after
consultations with the Workers' group

Mr. U. Purohit (India), President, All India Railwaymen's Federation;

Mr. P. Ahrens (Thailand), President, Thai Airways International State Enterprise Employees' Association;

Mr. R. Jowett (Australia), National Secretary, Australian Rail, Tram and Bus Industry Union;

Mr. A. Shimada (Japan), Japan Council of Transport Workers' Unions (Kuon Rokyo);

Mr. Z. Rampak (Malaysia), General Secretary, Transport Workers' Union (TWU);

Mr. J. Katende (Uganda), General Secretary, Amalgamated Transport & General Workers Union;

Mr. T.L. Shana (Zimbabwe), General Secretary, Zimbabwe Amalgamated Railwaymen's Union;

Mr. S. Mamba (Swaziland), Secretary, Swaziland Transport & Allied Workers Union;

Mr. E. Levrat (Switzerland), Sweizerischer Eisenbahn und Verkehrspersonal Verband;

Mr. N. Borodina (Russian Federation), Vice-President, Trade Union of Railway and Transport Construction Workers;

Ms. E. Tamas (Hungary), Free Trade Union of Railway Workers;

Ms. C. Menne (Germany), Gewerkschaft der Eisebahner Deutschlands;

Mr. G. Nyberg (Sweden), Svenska Kommunalarbetareforbundet;

Mr. G. Stevenson (United Kingdom), Transport and General Workers Union;

Mr. J. Palacios (Argentina), General Secretary, Union Transvarios Automotor UTA;

Ms. J. Fernandes (Brazil), Confederacion Nacional dos Trabalhadores em Transportes Terrestres CNTTT;

Mr. F. Torrealba (Venezuela), General Secretary, Sindicato de Trabajadores de la C.A. Metro de Caracas (SITRAMECA);

Mr. G. Lopes Meyer (Mexico), Asociación Sindical de Pilotos Aviadores (ASPA);

Ms. A. Tonjes (United States), Research Officer, Association of Flight Attendants;

Ms. J.-A. Hannah (Canada), National Automobile, Aerospace Transportation and General Workers' Union of Canada (CAW-Canada);

Mr. I. Obah (Ghana), Railway Enginemen's Union (TUC-Ghana);


Mr. A. Adote (Togo), Syndicat des Travailleurs des Compagnies de Navigation Maritime Aeriens et de Transit du Togo;

Mr. S.M. Kanyao (Kenya), (Transport and Allied Union), c/o Central Organisation of Trade Unions;

Mr. J. Imomotegbeha (Nigeria), President, National Union of Air Transport Employees.


Meeting of Experts on Labour Inspection
and Child Labour

(Geneva, 27 September-1 October 1999)


78. The Governing Body approved the following revised composition formula: the number of participants should include 22 experts nominated after consultations with governments, 11 after consultations with the Employers' group, and 11 after consultations with the Workers' group of the Governing Body. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/18, paras. 6-7)

79. The Governing Body noted that, in addition to the governments already noted in November 1998, the Director-General intended to invite the Governments of Colombia and Spain, which had previously been included as substitutes, and to add the Governments of Haiti and Indonesia as possible governments to be approached should any of the governments be unable to nominate a participant. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/18, para. 6)

Invitation of intergovernmental organizations

80. The Governing Body took note that the Director-General intended to invite INTERPOL to be represented at the meeting. (Eighth sitting; announcement by the Clerk of the Governing Body)

Invitation of non-governmental
international organizations

81. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the International Catholic Migration Commission, the International Movement of Apostolate of Children, Public Services International and the International League for Human Rights to be represented by observers at the meeting. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/18, paras. 8-9 and announcement by the Clerk of the Governing Body)


International Symposium on Trade Unions and
the Informal Sector

(Geneva, 18-22 October 1999)

82. The Governing Body approved the following agenda:

1. Structural changes in the labour market: the significance of the informal sector, homework and contract labour; challenges and opportunities for trade unions.

2. The role of trade unions in organizing informal workers, protecting their interests and promoting their mainstreaming into society.

3. Strategic measures and action plans for consideration by trade unions to deal with workers in the informal sector, homeworkers and workers engaged under contract labour, particularly in connection with ILO technical cooperation activities.

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/18, paras. 18-19)

83. The Governing Body approved the following composition formula: the symposium would be attended by 30 trade union representatives, nominated after consultations with the Workers' group of the Governing Body and coming from both industrialized and developing countries of Africa, the Americas, Asia, the Pacific and Europe. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/18, paras. 20-21)


International Consultation concerning Follow-up
on the World Summit for Social Development

(Geneva, 2-4 November 1999)

Invitation of non-governmental
international organizations

84. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite ATD Quart Monde, Caritas Internationalis, the International Association for Community Development, the International Movement of Apostolate of Children and the Women's International League for Peace and Freedom to be represented by observers at the meeting. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/18, paras. 14-15)


Ninth African Regional Meeting

(Côte d'Ivoire, 8-11 December 1999)

Invitation of a non-governmental
international organization

85. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite Caritas Internationalis to be represented by an observer at the meeting. (Eighth sitting; GB.274/18, paras. 22-23)


Meeting of Experts on Safety in the Use of
Insulation Wools

(Geneva, 17-26 January 2000)

86. The Governing Body approved the following nominations:

Nominations made after consultation
with Governments

Dr. Rolf Packroff, Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, Germany;

Mr. Juan Carlos Castro Tamez, Industrial Engineer, Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Mexico;

Prof. Jonathan Myers, University of Cape Town, South Africa;

Mr. Yuriy Tsybulya, Director, Small Venture BEIM LTD, Kotsubinskoe, Kyiv, Ukraine.


Ms. Patricia Vega Lopez, Engineer, Department of Labour, Ministry of Labour and Social Security, Chile;

Dr. Norihiko Kohyama, National Institute of Industrial Health, Ministry of Labour, Japan;

Ms. Gabriela Balodis, Head of Section, Chemistry Division, Occupational Hygiene Department, Swedish National Board of Occupational Safety and Health, Sweden.

Invitation of intergovernmental

87. The Governing Body took note that the Director-General intended to invite the following to be represented at the meeting.

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/18, para. 11)

Invitation of non-governmental
international organizations

88. The Governing Body authorized the Director-General to invite the following to be represented at the meeting:

(Eighth sitting; GB.274/18, paras. 12-13 and announcement by the Clerk of the Governing Body)

* * *

Matters on which the Officers of the
Governing Body took decisions on its behalf

Programme of meetings for 1999-2000

89. The Officers of the Governing Body approved the programme of meetings for 1999-2000 (Communicated to the Governing Body in document GB.274/Inf.1)

Symposia, seminars and similar meetings

90. The Officers of the Governing Body approved proposals for a number of symposia, seminars and similar meetings. (Communicated to the Governing Body in document GB.274/Inf.2)

Requests from non-governmental international organizations
wishing to be represented at the 87th (1999) Session
of the International Labour Conference

91. The Officers of the Governing Body authorized the Director-General --

(a) to invite the organizations listed below to be represented at the 87th (1999) Session of the International Labour Conference, it being understood that it would be for the Selection Committee of the Conference to consider their requests to participate in the work of the Committees dealing with the agenda items in which they had stated a special interest;

(b) to inform the organizations concerned that they may nominate one person only for each of the agenda items in respect of which their interest has been recognized.

Workers' organizations

African Organisation of Miners, Energy, Chemical and Allied Trade Unions

Commonwealth Trade Union Council

Communications International

Confederación de Educadores Americanos

Democratic Organization of African Workers' Trade Unions

Education International

European Confederation of Independent Trade Unions

International Confederation of Arab Trade Unions

International Confederation of Public Servants

International Energy and Mines' Organisations

International Entertainment Alliance

International Federation of Building & Woodworkers

International Federation of Commercial, Clerical and Technical Employees

International Metalworkers' Federation

International Textile, Garment & Leather Workers' Federation

International Transport Workers' Federation

International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Restaurant, Catering, Tobacco & Allied Workers' Associations

Latin American Central of Workers

Latin American Union of Municipal Workers

Permanent Congress of Trade Union Unity of Latin American Workers (CPUSTAL)

Public Services International

Trade Union Advisory Committee to the Organisation for the Economic Cooperation & Development

Trade Unions International of Public and Allied Employees

Trade Unions International of Workers in Agricultural, Food, Commerce, Textile & Allied Industries

Trade Unions International of Workers of the Building, Wood and Building Materials Industries

Universal Alliance of Diamond Workers

World Confederation of Teachers

World Federation of Scientific Workers

World Federation of Teachers' Unions.

Other organizations

Amnesty International

Anti-Slavery International

Caritas Internationalis

Defence for Children - International

Environmental Development Action in the Third World

European Centre for Workers' Questions (EZA)

Friends World Committee for Consultation

Interamerican Partnership for Environmental Education and Training

International Catholic Migration Commission

International Construction Institute

International Council of Nurses

International Federation of University Women

International Federation of Workers' Educational Associations

International Movement ATD Fourth World

International Save the Children Alliance

International Young Christian Workers

Socialist International Women

Soroptimist International

World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts

World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women

World Jewish Congress

World Movement of Christian Workers

World Veterans Federation.

(Communicated to the Governing Body in GB.274/Inf.3)

Appendix I

Amendments to the Financial Regulations
of the International Labour Organization

(Additions are shown in bold type; deletions are indicated by square brackets)

Article 10


5. All contributions [received] due in a financial period shall be recorded as income in that financial period and shall be accounted for in United States dollars at the budget rate of exchange for that financial period.


Article 17

[1.All payments in respect of transactions for which provision is made in the budget shall be charged to the accounts of the financial period during which the transactions take place if the payments are made not later than 31 January of the year following the close of said financial period.]

1.Expenditure charged against the appropriations of a financial period shall consist of payments made during the financial period and unliquidated obligations as at the last day of the financial period. Such portion of appropriations as may be required to meet these unliquidated obligations shall remain available for twelve months, at the end of which any remaining balances shall be credited to miscellaneous income.

[2.Persons to whom any payment is due in respect of a transaction in any financial period shall be requested to submit their accounts in good time before 31 January of the year following the close of said financial period, and shall, as far as possible, be tendered payment before that date.]

2.[3.Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1 above, debts] Obligations which could not be [paid in time to be chargeable to the accounts] charged to the appropriations of the preceding financial period [owing to unavoidable delay in the presentation of settlement of accounts] may, if the Director-General should so decide, be charged to the [account] appropriations of the current financial period. Nevertheless, there shall be included in the budget for each financial period an item entitled "Unpaid liabilities" to which may be charged any payments of a similar character which it would not be appropriate to pay from any other item of the budget. Payment of [debts] obligations due in respect of transactions covered by the budget of any financial period preceding the last financial period shall be subject to the prior authorization of the Governing Body.

[4.Creditors who, after their attention has been called to the provisions of this article, neglect to present their accounts in time to allow for payment by the prescribed date, if they cannot be paid in the manner indicated in paragraph 3 above without preventing payment of creditors who satisfy the requirements of paragraph 3, shall be informed that their accounts cannot be paid until the necessary sum has again been appropriated by the Conference.]

Article 18

1. The excess or shortfall of income over expenditure in any complete financial period shall be calculated by deducting budgetary expenditure from budgetary income with a financial provision being made for delays in the payment of contributions. Such provision shall amount to 100 per cent of the contributions unpaid at the date of the financial statements at the end of the financial period.

2. [If the difference between budgetary income and expenditure in any complete financial period expressed in United States dollars constitutes a credit balance, the Swiss franc equivalent of the corresponding cash surplus] Any such excess of income over expenditure, expressed in Swiss francs calculated at the budget rate of exchange for that financial period, shall be used to reduce the contributions of Members in the following way: Members which paid their ordinary contributions in the financial period in which [the cash] this surplus accrued shall have their share of the [cash] surplus deducted from their contributions assessed for the second year of the succeeding financial period; other Members shall not be credited with their share until they have paid the contributions due from them for the financial period in which the [cash] surplus accrued. When they have done so, their share of such [cash] surplus shall be deducted from their contributions assessed for the first year of the next financial period for which a budget is adopted after such payment.

Appendix II

Amendments to the Financial Rules
of the International Labour Office

(Additions are shown in bold type; deletions are indicated by square brackets)

3.30 Miscellaneous Income

Miscellaneous income consists of the following categories of [receipts] income accruing to the ILO:

(i) [receipts from] interest income which [are] is not required to be credited to the fund from which [they derive] it derives;

(ii) [receipts] income from the sale of publications, including related royalties and fees;

(iii) the difference between gains and losses on exchange excluding gains and losses on exchange on valuations of budgetary income and expenditure and on the revaluation of regular budget assets and liabilities held in currencies other than the United States dollar;

(iv) amounts recovered in respect of payments effected by the Organization if received after the end of the financial period in which the related payment was made;

(v) cheques remaining uncashed for a period of twelve months after the date drawn where cancellation takes place in a different financial period;

(vi) any remaining balances of unliquidated obligations set up in the previous financial period; and

(vii) other [miscellaneous cash receipts] income.

3.31 Payments into Publications Revolving Fund

Up to 100 per cent of the [receipts] income from the sale of publications, including related royalties and fees, may be [paid into] credited to the Publications Revolving Fund at the discretion of the Director-General, and used in accordance with the separate rules governing the operation of the Fund approved by the Governing Body.

3.32 Treatment of [Receipts] Income from Rentals

[Receipts] Income from the rental of premises shall be [paid into] credited to the Building and Accommodation Fund, which may be drawn upon only with the authorization of the Governing Body for specific purposes relating to ILO premises, in particular to meet costs of construction, alterations, repairs and renewals. The [rentals received] rental income shall be credited to the Fund after deduction of an appropriate amount in respect of heating, lighting and other facilities and services covered by them, provided that [payment] expenditure and reimbursement for such facilities and services occur within the same financial period; the amounts deducted shall be credited to the budget provisions under which the [payments were made] expenditure was incurred. Otherwise the full amount of the [rentals received] rental income shall be credited to the Fund.

6.30 Time-Limits for Presentation of Claims

(b) Particular care shall be exercised to [prevent arrear claims being made after the close of the financial period] ensure that all unliquidated obligations are recorded within the appropriate financial period.

7.60 Time-Limits for Payments

(c) Payments made against the regular budget after [the date set for the closing of the accounts of a given financial period (normally approximately two weeks after the end of the period)] the end of a financial period are not allowed as a charge against that financial period unless unliquidated obligations have been set up in the accounts for the period in accordance with paragraph 1 of article 17 of the Financial Regulations.

7.70 Currencies of Accounting and Currency

Conversion Rates

(c) [Contributions received] Income from contributions in a financial period shall be accounted for in US dollars as budgetary income at the budget rate of exchange between the US dollar and the Swiss franc for that financial period. Swiss franc expenditure shall likewise be accounted for in US dollars as budgetary expenditure at the budget rate of exchange. Any differences between the US dollar amounts so calculated and those calculated at the applicable United Nations accounting rate of exchange shall be recorded as gains or losses on exchange in an Exchange Equalization Account.

Appendix III

Composition and purpose of the sectoral meetings
to be held in 2000-01





Reserve list


Moving to sustainable agricultural development

through the modernization of agriculture and

employment in a globalized economy


26 Government participants: Bangladesh, Benin, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, China, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Ethiopia, Ghana, Honduras, India, Islamic Republic of Iran, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Nigeria, Philippines, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Uganda, Viet Nam;
26 Employers
26 Workers

Algeria, Burundi, Colombia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Jordan, Lao People's Democratic Republic, Lithuania, Mauritania, Morocco, Namibia, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Romania, Spain, Syrian Arab Republic, Zambia

To exchange views on the agricultural sector in the twenty-first century: its contribution to employment, incomes and prospects for productivity gains, using a report prepared by the Office as a basis for its discussions; to adopt conclusions that include proposals for action by governments, by employers' and workers' organizations at the national level and by the ILO; and to adopt a report on its discussion. The meeting may also adopt resolutions

Safety and health in the non-ferrous metals industries

Tripartite Experts

8 experts nominated by the following Governments: China, France, Japan, Norway, Peru, United Kingdom, United States, Zambia;
8 experts nominated after consultations with the Employers' group;
8 experts nominated after consultations with the Workers' group of the Governing Body

Chile, Finland, Ghana, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Sweden, Ukraine

To consider and review a draft and adopt a code of practice on safety and health in the non-ferrous metals industries

The construction industry in the twenty-first century:

Its image, employment prospects and skill requirements


23 Government participants: Austria, Brazil, Cameroon, Canada, China, Egypt, Germany, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Panama, Philippines, Poland, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United States
23 Employers
23 Workers

Argentina, Bangladesh, Benin, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Croatia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, El Salvador, Jordan, Mauritania, Namibia, Norway, Papua New Guinea, Portugal, Thailand, Togo, United Kingdom

To exchange views on the construction industry in the twenty-first century: its image, employment prospects and training requirements, using a report prepared by the Office as the basis for its discussions; to adopt conclusions that include proposals for action by governments, by employers' and workers' organizations at the national level and by the ILO; and to adopt a report on its discussion. The meeting may also adopt resolutions.

Lifelong learning in the twenty-first century:
The changing roles of educational personnel


16 Government participants: Algeria, Chile, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, India, Japan, Jordan, Namibia, Norway, Russian Federation, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela;
11 Employers' representatives from the private sector;
27 Workers' representatives.

Albania, Bangladesh, Belarus, Brazil, Burundi, Canada, Comoros, Croatia, Dominica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Finland, France, Hungary, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Mauritius, Philippines, Poland, Romania, San Marino, Tajikistan, Togo, United Arab Emirates

To exchange views on policies and practices which concern lifelong learning, using a report prepared by the Office as the basis for its discussions; to adopt conclusions that include proposals for action by governments, by employers' and workers' organizations and by the ILO; and to adopt a report on its discussion. The meeting may also adopt resolutions.

The employment impact of mergers and acquisitions in the banking and financial services sector


20 Government participants: Argentina, Belgium, Canada, Ghana, India, Japan, Republic of Korea, Luxembourg, Mauritania, Mauritius, Nigeria, Panama, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, United States, Venezuela

20 Employers

20 Workers

Chile, China, Costa Rica, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Honduras, Jordan, Lebanon, Malaysia, Morocco, Portugal, Singapore, Tunisia

To exchange views on the impact of mergers and acquisitions in the banking and financial services sector, using a report prepared by the Office as the basis for its discussions; to adopt conclusions that include proposals for action by governments, by employers' and workers' organizations at the national level and by the ILO; and to adopt a report on its discussion. The meeting may also adopt resolutions.

Social and labour dimensions of the

forestry and wood industries on the move


20 Government participants: Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Estonia, Finland, Ghana, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Romania, Russian Federation, South Africa, United Kingdom, United States
20 Employers
20 Workers

Cambodia, Cameroon, France, Gabon, Honduras, Republic of Korea, Poland, Portugal, Suriname, Thailand

To exchange views on trends in structural adjustment, globalization and relocation in the forestry and wood industries, as well as on environmental aspects, and to discuss their social and labour consequences, using a report prepared by the Office as the basis for its discussions; to adopt conclusions that include proposals for action by governments, by employers' and workers' organizations at the national level and by the ILO; and to adopt a report on its discussion. The meeting may also adopt resolutions.

Human resources development, employment and globalization in the hotel, catering and tourism sector


25 Government participants: Austria, Barbados, Brazil, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Egypt, France, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Republic of Korea, Lebanon, Mauritius, Morocco, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, United States
25 Employers
25 Workers

Argentina, Chile, Croatia, Hungary, Mexico, Namibia, New Zealand, Philippines, United Republic of Tanzania, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, Viet Nam, Zimbabwe

To exchange views on policies and methods of human resource development, employment creation and globalization in the hotel, catering and tourism sector, using a report prepared by the Office as the basis for its discussions; to adopt conclusions that include proposals for action by governments, by employers' and workers' organizations at the national level and by the ILO; and to adopt a report on its discussion. The meeting may also adopt resolutions.

Information technologies in the media and entertainment industries: Their impact on employment, working conditions and labour-management relations

Tripartite symposium

21 Government participants: Algeria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Cameroon, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Japan, Jordan, Mexico, Senegal, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Thailand, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States
21 Employers
21 Workers

Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Comoros, Finland, Ghana, Greece, Honduras, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mauritania, Netherlands, Nigeria, Peru, Philippines, Portugal, Romania, Saint Lucia, Switzerland, Syrian Arab Republic, Turkey, Uruguay

As an output, this symposium should elaborate conclusions that would provide guidance for the ILO's future work in the sector considered. After the symposium, the Office should publish a report including a summary of the discussions.

Labour practices in the footwear, leather, textiles and clothing industries


20 Government participants: Bangladesh, Brazil, China, Colombia, Czech Republic, India, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, Mauritius, Mexico, Morocco, Portugal, Romania, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States
20 Employers
20 Workers

Argentina, Belarus, Belgium, Canada, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Egypt, El Salvador, Germany, Honduras, Hungary, Pakistan, Philippines, Poland, Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Venezuela, Zimbabwe

To exchange views on labour practices in the footwear, leather, textiles and clothing industries, using a report prepared by the Office as the basis for its discussions; to adopt conclusions that include proposals for action by governments, by employers' and workers' organizations at the national level and by the ILO; and to adopt a report on its discussion. The meeting may also adopt resolutions.

The social and labour impact of globalization in the manufacture of transport equipment


18 Government participants: Austria, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, France, India, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, Mexico, Norway, Romania, Russian Federation, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, United States
18 Employers
18 Workers

Bangladesh, Democratic Republic of Congo, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Finland, Honduras, Italy, Lebanon, Panama, Portugal, Syrian Arab Republic, Thailand, United Kingdom, Venezuela

To exchange views on the social and labour impact of globalization in the transport equipment manufacturing industries, including on the implications for employment, working conditions and labour-management relations, using a report prepared by the Office as the basis for its discussions; to adopt conclusions that include proposals for action by governments and by employers' and workers' organizations at the national level and by the ILO; and to adopt a report on its discussion. The meeting may also adopt resolutions.

29th Session of the Joint Maritime Commission (JMC)(4) 




To exchange views on the four agenda items,(5)  using reports prepared by the Office as the basis for its discussions; and to adopt a report on its discussion. The JMC may also adopt resolutions.

The impact of decentralization and privatization on municipal services


18 Government participants: Benin, Chile, Ecuador, Egypt, Finland, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Latvia, Namibia, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Russian Federation, Togo, United Kingdom, Venezuela, Zimbabwe
7 Employers' representatives from the private sector
25 Workers' representatives

Governments: Albania, Algeria, Cape Verde, Czech Republic, Denmark, Honduras, India, Jordan, Norway, Panama, Poland, Romania, San Marino, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Tajikistan, Ukraine, United States

To exchange views on the impact of decentralization and privatization on municipal services, using a report prepared by the Office as the basis for its discussions; to adopt conclusions that include proposals for action by governments, employers' and workers' organizations at the national level and by the ILO; and to adopt a report on its discussion. The meeting may also adopt resolutions.

1.  The Governing Body postponed decision on this question to its 276th Session (November 1999).

2.   Nominations are outstanding from France, Thailand and the United States.

3.   A nomination is outstanding from Kazakhstan.

4.  The composition of the JMC is fixed in its Standing Orders. Its members were appointed at the last maritime session of the International Labour Conference (1996).

5.  GB.274/STM/1, para. 51.

For further information, please contact the Official Relations Branch at Tel: +41.22.799.7732, Fax: +41.22.799.8944 or by e-mail: dale@ilo.org

Copyright ® 1999 International Labour Organization (ILO)
This page was created by HK. It was approved by NdW. It was last updated on 10 June 1999.